19. Unknown

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They stared at the ceiling. Unknowing of their potential future. And that was the thing that scared them the most. The uncertainty.

They heard the door open. They pushed back the fear, and sat up, a smile plastered on their face. It was who they hoped they could see. Anyone else would have made them hide under his covers. Anyone else would have meant trouble.

"Hey!" They said, jumping down from the top of the bunk bed. The young boy stared at him, before sitting down on the bottom bunk.
"Hello." They replied, almost with no feelings or emotions.
"Something happen today Igneous?" They asked. The boy side eyes them.
"I told you to call me by my name." He replied. They frowned.
"I know, but the name Isaac is kind of boring. And plus, Igneous makes you sound like a bad ass." They said. The small boy rolled his eyes.
"Whatever. I don't really care." He responded.
"Come on little bro! Stop being such a tsundere!" They laughed. The boy glared at them.
"You're not my older sibling." He pulled out a Rubik's cube, and quickly solved it.
"We're all brothers and sisters here." They responded. The boy didn't look at them. He just stared at the floor. Suddenly, they saw tears fall to the ground. "Hey! Isaac! What's wrong?" They asked, sitting next to them and pulling them into a hug.
"I don't want you to go..." He replied. They looked to them, confused.
"What are you talking about? I'm not gonna leave." They explained. The boy stared up at them. "Oh come on! Just because I want to do music for my career is gonna kill me?"
"You know why!" He cried, stuffing his face into his shirt. They stopped, losing all feeling from their expression. They knew what he was talking about.
"Isaac..." they pulled him close. "I'm not gonna leave. I'm going to stick by your side." The boy looked up to them, as they smiled at him. He seemed a bit sad, but reluctantly nodded. They sat there, holding each other in their arms.

They both stood up, immediately looking to the door. There was the sound of pounding coming from the other side. Quickly, they hid Isaac behind them, making sure to get him out of sight. Suddenly, the door was unlocked. There stood two juvey cops, and one of the counselors.

"No..." Isaac whispered. They took a deep breath.
"I'll make sure to find you again. I'm going to come back for you." They said. They looked to the two Juvey cops.
"Brigham Ward, you're coming with us."

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