~Don't tell~

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Walking out of the first period the only thing I could think about was seeing Lidia's judgment again. This time I have no clue if I can take it. I might just talk back about it. The only other thing I had on my mind was about going to Xavier's house. If I was being honest, I'm extremely nervous. I know nothing will happen but I'm nervous about his siblings finding out about us. I guess it's whatever now. God can the time pass by any slower? I just want to get it over with. 

"God I'm tired" Emma comments as Xavier and I walk up to them. "Same, I could've slept more," I say agreeing which makes Emma look at me in confusion. "Why didn't you?" She says tilting her head smirking. Wrong idea Emma. "I practically dragged her out of bed," Xavier says cutting in. Emmas smirk disappears and her eyes look behind me in shock. Huh? "Did you now?" Fuck. I slowly look over my shoulder to see the sibling squad. God kill me now. "Xavier?" Lidia asks with a pissed face and rude tone. I turn my head back towards him to see he's side-eyeing me in shock. Emma looks at me and then Lidia. "He must've only done it because Davina is a really heavy sleeper." Thank you, Emma. All I hear is Lidia scoff. "Still weird for someone to walk into someone's room while they are asleep though. Isn't it Davina?" This makes me have to turn around and face her. I see her scolding face looking at me. Great now I'm being forced to actually talk to her.

Clearing my throat nervously I speak up. "Not really... I mean all of yall walked into my room the morning yall went camping right?" I laugh nervously looking at her. She squints her eyes tilting her head slightly. "I guess so...." This bitch is getting on my nerves. I didn't do anything to her. I was nearly about to explode on her. "On the topic of Davina.... she's coming over today," Xavier says finally turning around. Well, thank you Xavier for finally joining the awkward conversation. Bout' time. "IS she now." Lidia says making the "is" stronger than the rest of her words. She really thinks she's intimidating. I mean don't get me wrong she is sometimes. But not right now. Right now she looks ridiculous. I could just burst out into laughter. But I won't for her sake. Looks like I'm the better person right now. Bitch.

"I am. You got a problem with it?" Xavier looks over at me about to laugh. Lidia looked like she was about to bust. Like literally. She was fuming. "No... It was just a question..." She had formed her hand into a fist. Ok, Arthur. "Hmm... Because you seem to have a problem with it." I say titling my head at her. All she does is give me a fake smile. "I don't." She says clenching her jaw. "Ok then maybe work on your tone."  I see everyone about to laugh. Theo had his lips in his mouth trying really hard to not laugh while Freya had her hand over her mouth. Sam was looking at the floor. "Will do mam..." She finally says with a fake voice. "Get back to me when you do so," I say giving her a fake smile back. Two can play the game bitch. And I'm winning. Don't try me. Giving me a fake smile she turns on her heels and walks away into the bathroom. "Damn," Sam says laughing. I look at him and burst into laughter. "Best catfight ever!" Theo says patting me. "Thank you. Thank you." I say bowing. "bravo!" Freya says laughing at me bowing. I turn to Xavier who was smiling at me. "Good job," Xavier says making me smile back at him. "Thanks." The bell rings and we all start heading to our classes.

*8th period*

"Ready?" Xavier asks holding out my bag. "Mhm," I reply grabbing my bag from him as I stand up from my desk. Before I could say anything else. The bitch Jenna walks up to us. "Hey, Xavier!....Hey Davina..." She says looking at me in disgust. I roll my eyes at her as I walk to Xavier's side. "Say, Xavier..." Jenna says lifting her hand. And you know what this bitch does!? She has the AUDACITY to start walking her fingers up his arm. Oh, you dumb skank... "Since you're you know...single... and coincidently I am too...." Now I'm fuming. I could just rip her hair out. "Wanna go out... and afterward go to my house..." She says smirking at him as her hand reaches his shoulder and she grasps it. Xavier grabs her wrist and pulls her arm off of him. "Sorry, Jenna..." He drops her hand and places his over my shoulder. "But I already have a girlfriend..." He leans towards her. "and someone to.... do stuff after we go out." She looks at me as her smirks drop into embarrassment. I give her a fake smile. "Sorry Jenna.." We start walking away. "but this one's mine." I wink at her as we get out of her sight. "Whore..." I say as we reach the front doors of the school. Xavier chuckles leaning down to my cheek and planting a kiss. "Don't worry Vina... I'm all yours." I look up at him and smirk. "Better be." 

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