~Mixed Emotions~

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(Day after)


I observed as Xavier threw in his last bag to the car. Shutting the door for him, I look over the top of the car to see Lidia looking at me. Once again with the intention of making me uncomfortable. At that, she had won, as I was now uncomfortable. She needs an award with the title 'bitch' plastered on it. I myself would hand it to her. Well... I wouldn't exactly hand it over. More like throw it at her. I laugh at my own thoughts. I'm pretty damn funny if I do say so myself. I should receive the 'funny bitch' award. Yeah, that'd be nice.

"Well, that's the last of it." I bring myself back to reality as Xavier speaks from behind me. I turn away from the car to look at him. "You sure? Don't want to forget anything." I ask putting my hands into the back pockets of my jeans for warmth. Xavier gives me a small nod, but his eyes travel behind me to where I assume Lidia was. "Xavier." He looks back down at me and furrows his eyebrows. "I um- are-". I sigh letting my mind's thoughts settle. "How do I know you'll be ok? I mean this seems pretty serious as it's taking yall nearly 2 weeks." Xavier looks around as if making sure no one was looking. Once he was sure no one was seeing he leaned down and pecked my lips. "I'll be ok. I promise. There's only one thing that makes me make sure to come back safe." His hand finds his way to my face as he cups my chin. "And that's you." I smile and nod at him. "Just please- don't do anything stupid," I state pointing my finger at him. This makes him laugh.

Although I was laughing too, I was serious. If he got hurt I couldn't handle the fact that one of the people I care about was hurt. Only getting closer to death. And I can't let anyone leave me. Not again. Not now. Not to sound selfish.

"Yes, mam." He once again leans down leaving a kiss on my cheek. "Alright, let's roll!" Sam says clapping his hands and making his siblings and me look at him. Xavier's hand drops and goes to his pocket. "Be safe. All of you." My comment makes Freya and Theo smile at me. My face goes back to Xavier after I return the smile. "Well, I guess I'm gonna head out too. Be safe."  I give him a warm smile and start to walk away.

 "Wait, Vina!" I quickly turn back around to Xavier walking toward me. "If anything happens... Call me. Please." He was worried. What's the worry for? I thought we had already gone over this. "I will. I promise." My hand gently grabs his. "Focus on the vampires. If something happens, you're the first person I'll go to." He quickly nods. "ok. ok yeah." He lets out a relieving sigh and pulls me into an embrace. "The 11 days might go slow, but my thoughts about you will be racing. It's what keeps my heart running." His whisper was relaxing and warm. It calmed me down from my own worry. 

He pulls away and looks down at me one final time before walking away. I turn away and start back to my car that was parked on the side of the road. When I get in my car I immediately turn it on and pull my seatbelt on. A car passes by making me aware of the traffic. Looking out of the window one last time I see Xavier and Freya getting in the car as they were the only ones not in yet. "Alright let's get home I have to work in two hours." After putting the car in drive I look at my side mirrors to make sure no one was coming. Slowly, I pull onto the road and head home.

As soon as I get home I get a call from Emma. I was in a rush to eat something before work so I just answered it and put it on speaker. "Sup," I answer setting the phone down on the counter while I grabbed a salad out of the fridge. "Hey D! I have a question." Odd. she never calls just for a question. "Shoot." Emma giggles and squeals. "Wanna go to a party tomorrow?" Great social interaction. "A party? Why? you're not the type to randomly go to parties." I hear her sigh dramatically. "Yeah yeah but I finally got someone to go. I got someone to come out of their odd, dumb shell!" The only thing I got from that is that she has possibly kidnapped someone and threatened their lives if they were not to attend this party. Sounds like her.

"Jackson? Jackson loves parties dumbass." Laughing, I throw my trash away and grab my phone off the counter walking into my room. "Hey! you're the dumbass. Because for one it's not Jackson." Throwing my phone on the bed I start stripping. "Then did you blackmail a new kid?" Emma's gasp makes me giggle. "How. Dare. You. I would never!" I grab my uniform off my bed and start slipping it on. "Ehhh. I beg to differ." I reply protesting. If she had the chance she would definitely do that. I have zero doubts about it.

"Whatever. Anyways the person is Alex." As I pull my shoes on I furrow my eyebrows. "Alex Stewart? As in tutor Alex Stewart?" I make my way into my bathroom and pull my hair into a ponytail. "Yes, tutor Alex," Emma answers giggling. I don't understand why she all of a sudden had convinced him to go. Or why she invited me. "Remind me how this involves me?" I ask walking out of my room and grabbing my car keys. "Because you're my friend! therefore meaning you must go." Rolling my eyes I quickly go to my car and get in. "And that means exactly what?" Emma sighs once again before replying. "You are my bestie. Besties go wherever together. So you are obligated to come with!" She wines into the phone making me cringe and at her squeals. "I don't think that's how that works." I was still debating whether or not to give in or not. 

"Please!" I guess one night can't hurt. "Fine whatever." Worst answer ever. 

"EEEEEE! yay, thank you! I'll see you at school tomorrow for Fri-yay day." I roll my eyes at her weird childish comments. "Uh-huh bye!" She blows a kiss into the phone. "Love you bye!" SHe soon hangs up and I'm left quietly driving to work.

"Davina front counter! Take the order!" My manager calls from the other side of the kitchen. "On it!" I yell back pulling my gloves off and grabbing my notepad and pen. When I walk out I see a young boy in his late teens sitting alone. He had Ginger hair and blue eyes. He looked like he was athletic. "Hello, my name is Davina I'll be taking your order. What can I get you today?" The boy looks at me and smiles. "Just a burger and a coke please." Nodding at him I write it down and looks back at him. "Will that be all for you today?" I ask him. "Uhh. Yup that its thanks." I tear the note and place it on the order clasps on the top of the open window frame showing the kitchen. 

"Actually I have a question." The boy calls making me turn back around to face him. "How may I help you?" He looks around and looks back at me smiling. "I'm actually new to town. Any recommendations on places to visit? Taken aback I answer with the only place I know of. "The park here is beautiful at night. The light fixtures are nice to see." He nods and leans sits leans onto the counter. "You go to the school here?" What the? Weird question but ok. "I do actually." He clasps his hands together still looking at me. "Well, then I will be seeing you around." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Pardon me?" He laughs and replies. "I will be attending the school here. I'm a senior. I suspect the same as you." How would he know that? 

"Well, it's very nice I hope you enjoy it here." I nod at him wanting to finish the conversation. "Order 56!" The kitchen worker slides the plate and cup onto the order counter making me walk over and grab them. I turn and place it in front of the guy and start walking away. I didn't get far though as he called for me again. "Say why don't you show me lights? You know. Like a date." I giggle awkwardly and look at the floor. "I actually have a boyfriend.. sorry." He laughs and nods. "No, it's ok. I respect that. Thanks for the food." I give him an awkward smile and walk back to the kitchen.

 That was weird. I guess he was just trying to be friendly but he gives me weird vibes. Whatever. I just brush it off and keep working. I just want to get this shift done and go home. I just want to lay in my bed. Just 3 more hours...


Hope yall appreciate this sorta long chapter. anyways see yall next week. As you can see I'm kinda getting the hang of updating once a week. It was the last week of this six weeks and I wasn't passing a class. I needed to focus on my grades because in order to be able to attend my band trip I had to be passing this six weeks. I may start updating every Sunday and Wednesday. So yeah see ya!!!!!!! 



Do you think this man is significant?-

How do you feel about Xavier leaving for 11 days?-

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