~To protect~

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(The day after)


"So what did yall do?" Emma asks frantically while poking me. "We watched like half a movie and-" I cut my words off when I remember what had happened after the movie. I don't think she needs to know about that.

She looks at me and slaps my knee. "AND!?" I continuously shook my head and said. "And nothing more." I lie. I mean I'm not gonna tell her that. Ew. I know she's my friend but I don't think she needs a reminder that I have my own life with my own... activities. 

Rolling her eyes at me, she rests her face on her arms that were crossed on the table. "Sorry guys I was talking to the teacher," Jackson says sitting down across from me next to Emma. "Bitch told me that I was being disruptive during class for helping someone." He says stunned. Emma looks up at him still laying her face in her arms. "But you didn't even do anything bad?" She says in utter confusion. I was confused too. "Exactly!" He says shaking his head in disbelief. "If the dumbass would teach better maybe the student wouldn't have had a question, and I wouldn't have had to help them." Sighing, I nod my head in agreement. "Anyway enough about me. How was it at Xavier's?" Jackson asks looking my way. Here we go again. Lord help me. 

"It was fine. We watched a movie- well half, and then we slept." I lie through my teeth hoping he'd fall for it. Emma was off her arms and sitting up straight now. "Slept? or slept?" Her frown becomes a smirk sending a terrifying chill down my spine. She saw my nervousness and smiled. "AHA! I knew it!" Jackson was confused and looked at both of us for an explanation. "Knew what exactly?" He asks a gigglish Emma. "I knew that Xavier and Davina had-" She lifts her eyesight from Jackson to the side of me. Her face was priceless. It was hard to contain my laughter. Emma looked as if she had seen a dead person walking. 

"Had what?" Xavier says coming out of completely nowhere and sitting next to me. Well, now I know why she looked terrified. "Um had... popcorn!" Great liar Emma. Xavier smiles at her. "Oh yeah, we watched a movie." How the hell did he believe her!? That shouldn't have worked. Lucky her. I can't get away with lying even if it were to save my life.

"Oh, that's cool! And after?" Jackson says looking over to Xavier with a smile plastered all over him. "Did yall make a fort? or cook? or anything?" Emma asks going along with Jackson's game to get information out of him. "We did do something actually." I quickly look at him in shock. He smirks at me leaving me scared. There's no way he's actually going to expose us like this.  

"We slept. We were pretty tired from school." Weight is taken off my chest as relief sets in. For a second I thought he was about to say something that we would both be embarrassed of. "understandable." Jackson says sighing in disappointment. "Where is everyone else?" I ask taking Xavier's attention off of Emma and Jackson to me. "They left early. I actually am supposed to too." My face drops in realization. "Oh ok," I answer back with the most monotone voice you could hear. Xavier looks over at Emma and Jackson for a second but looks back at me. "Can I talk to you outside?" I nod and we stand up grabbing my bag. 

When we got outside Xavier walked us over to his car. He leans on it and sighs "This is gonna be a longer trip." His head drops looking at his feet. I take a breath preparing myself for the question I was soon going to have answered. "How long?" The chattering of the kids outside takes over our dead silence. Finally cutting the silence he looks up at me. "11 days." .... 11 whole days. I couldn't even last 3. I may be making a big deal about this but I definitely had reason to. When we got together I had a fear. The fear that one day I would lose him too. The whole hunting situation didn't make it any better either. 11 days of worry. Worry that he can't get hurt. He is only a teenage human as am I. Yet he takes this risk in honor of his mother and in the safety of the world. Sometimes I wish the hunting shit was all a dream. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to live with fear. Sometimes I wish things were just different. 

"Vina?" Xavier's voice wakes me from my daydream. Or more like a nightmare. "Yeah, no that's fine. I'll be ok." I say clearing my throat. Leaning off from his car, he places his hands around my waist pulling me in. "Are you though?" He asks leaning his body back on the car, me along with him. "I survived last time," I reply chuckling. "Yeah I know but that was 3 days." I sigh engulfing myself in his chest. "Why are you so worried?"

 As he rests his weightless face against my head I wish to never let him go. The soft breeze against our bodies and his ocean-scented cologne made it seem as if we were to be on the beach. If only that were true. If only we had the grainy texture of the sand against our feet. If only we were at peace with the ocean waves hitting our bodies. I could simply let it all drown away. All the doubt. All the worry. All the regrets. Everything. Just letting it drown. Watching it sink to the debts of the ocean to never be seen again. But of course, that isn't the case. And that made life so much harder. 

"The last time I left you for more than 3 days you nearly got killed." Pulling myself off his chest I gaze at the worry on his face. "Yeah well, that was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, Xavier." He chuckles shaking his head. "There's never a 'once in a lifetime' thing when it happens. Trust me." What kind of side remark was that? He basically told me the one thing that no one would ever want to hear from someone. "What the hell is that 'sposed to mean?" My voice became more stern as the worry starts forming into annoyance. I hate people with the 'riddle me this' feeling. So fucking annoying. 

Xavier was looking everywhere and anywhere but my way after I asked that. "Xavier." The sternness in my voice makes him finally look down at me. "Don't avoid the question. Tell me what you're refusing to say." Once again nothing. Just silence and a stare. "I'm not playing this game again Xavier." I wiggle my way out of his grip and take a couple of steps back away from him. "Vina cmon.." Xavier says with a bit of anger coming through his voice. "No. You promised. You promised no more avoiding. No more silence." My arms cross and he looks to the floor. "I know. I know I said that I swear I don't mean to avoid you-" 


 "Bullshit Xavier! You stand here avoiding a question I repeated to you twice. Twice! And that's not considered avoiding?" 

I regret all of it. Make it stop. Please. I beg you. Don't. Don't reply. This is all my fault. What's wrong with me? Me? Him? This hurts my head. 

As my thoughts spiraled Xavier collected his own and finally looked back at me with a semi-angry face. "No, it's not. It's called protecting you." We weren't yelling but we did have our voices raised. I laugh at his response. I tend to laugh in situations where I get angry but upset at the same time. "Exactly! But from what? Just tell me. It's not that hard. It's not some life-threatening secret." Xavier shakes his head at me. "But it is!" Taken aback my mouth falls open and I feel weak. "What?.." When I respond he takes a couple of steps toward me and stands over me. "This is life, Davina. It's not safe. No one is ever safe... I-" His hands cup my face. "Not even you...." The shock in my face stars becoming a canvas of a terrified girl. "I'm worried because I will not always- even as much as I wished- be able to stand by your side to protect you." 

Not exactly what I wanted to hear but it's the truth. That's what I wanted. So I must take it and hold onto it. 

"Fuck. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get into a fight again. I hate upsetting you." Xavier apologizes pulling my head into his chest. "I'm sor-" I don't know why but I had the reaction to apologize as well. Well, I didn't get to finish before Xavier stopped me. "Don't. Don't apologize. It's on me." Sighing I look up at him. He gazes back at me. "It's ok. I get it. If it were the other way around id do the same." Xavier gives me a smile and plants a kiss on my head. "God really created a work of art, didn't he. He created Davina Smith." My face turns pink as I giggle. "Shut up." We both laugh and pull each other back into an embrace. This is much better.


SUS.Jk. Love yall see yall next post. 



Why do you think Xavier said Davina isn't safe?-

Did you get scared when they started fighting?-

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