{51} Little pieces

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My mom smiles at me lightly and I can't seem to think straight. I look to her side, my father stood next to her. "I ca-how are- arent yall-" I'm starting to panic again and I don't know what to do.

"Hey, baby...." My dad speaks but the only thing that clicks in my mind is his voice. That voice. I heard that voice not that long ago. Matter of fact I heard it...

Last night.

"Honey I missed you-" My mother goes to take a step towards me but I step back and she stops. She looks over at my dad and he chuckles. "Our daughter seems to be smarter than we intended." He states.

"Davina." Xavier's voice calls and I turn around. "I-" He tries speaking but his throat seems to be too dry. He looked pale. 

I think I knew why though. They're being starved. He's weak and needs to feed. 

"Honey don't talk to that boy. He is nothing but a traitor of his kind." My mom says making me look at her. "Excuse me? Who said I can't talk to him." This seems to take my parents back. "Don't speak to your mom like that and do as you're told." My father speaks firmly.


I'll do as I please. 

I turn and can only take a single step toward Xavier before my mom flashes in front of me. Of course, my parent is vampires. "Move." My voice is firm and straightforward. I should be in shock at my parents standing in front of me. But honestly, I hate them now. It seems my own father killed me. 

My main focus right now was my boyfriend and my true family.

"Sweetie," My mom places a hand on my arm and a sudden blood rush of anger runs through me. "Get your hand off of me." I brush her hand off of me and try shoving past her, but she grips my hand.

I flip my face to her and stare at her angrily. "If you don't get your hands off of me, I'll make sure the next thing you'll feel is me ripping your very arm off your body." She flinches and releases my hand. 

"Those eyes suit you, honey." My dad's words make me realize my inability to control my strongly suffered emotions was making the veins under my eyes appear, along with my fangs. 

"Don't you find some sort of regret you crazy bastard?" I speak lowly. "You already lost one of your children and you basically killed the other." I look at him with tears threatening to fall from my eyes at the mention of Hayden. 

"I'm glad Hayden isn't here to see what kind of parents you've become today. It makes me sick to think you can stand here and love on me as if you didn't just ruin my life." My composure was slowly fading. My mouth was running on its own.

And it wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

"And it makes me sick to see you ungrateful for what I've made you." He says. "I have given you the best gift possible. So don't stand here and give me attitude." He walks towards me and I start stepping backward. 

"I will NOT stand here and accept you to try and tell me that you as a human was better than what you are now." I shake my head at his words and I lash back at him. "I will stand here and admit that I fucking hate you. I HATE YOU!" He comes nearer and what he does shocks me. 

I feel a sharp slam against my cheek and my face is turned sideways. "Stop lying to yourself, Davina. You have just become something greater. AMAZING. So stop running that stupid mouth of yours that Hayden let grow onto you." 

"Don't touch her you pathetic excuse of a father." Xavier's voice says weakly towards my dad. My dad looks over my shoulder at Xavier and laughs. "Come over here and do something about it." He stops and looks at nothing and back at him. "Oh wait, you cant." 

"Leave him." I shove my dad and he trips back a little. "Don't tell me you're seriously defending that idiot." I wipe the new blood on my face from my father's ring cut on my cheek and look at him. "The only idiot in the room is what you see in the mirror every morning." I stop and look at the floor and back up at him. 

"Oh wait, that's you isn't it?" He moves to slap me again but my mom flashes to him and stops him. "Stop it. It seems she's only simply lost her mind." I roll my eyes at my mother's defense of my dad.

I can't believe they both can just act as if they didn't just kill their kid and they are at fault here. "She will learn to respect us as she did before." My mom whispers to my dad. Only the whispering is no good with my acquired strong hearing. 

"Spare yourselves the hoping and know that I will never be able to look at you the way I did four years ago." I spit before turning and walking to Xavier who was weakly looking up at me. 

"Hey..." My knees fall to the floor and I place both hands on Xaviers face, holding him to look at me. "Im so sorry. This is all my fault." His voice rasps as he starts crying uncontrolably. It was breaking my heart seeing him like this. 

In a way I never thought I would ever see him. A way I didnt belive possible.


"No, dont do that." I shake my head and I myself start tearing up. "This isint your fault." He shakes his head as tears soak his face. "I should have never brought you here." Xavier coughs and I resit the urge to turn back around and murder Henry and his father.

Even my parents.

They dont even deserve that title anymore to be quiet honest.

"I should have never been so stupid to think that I could finnaly be h-happy." He needs to stop talking. It's hurting me. 

It's hurting us both.

"Xavier stop. I love you but please stop." He stops talking and I lay my head on his. "Davina, we should have never gotten together..." These words make me freeze. Everybody in the room seems to hold their breaths. 

"What...?" I pull my head back and look at him. "We should have never met." A tear falls from my face and I pull away completley. I stand from my position and step back. "I should have never talked to you at that lunch table." Xavier keeps talking. 

With each of his words, another nail is punctured through my heart. It hurt like hell. Its as if my enitre purpose of my life had suddenly rolled and fallen out of my grasp after so many years of chasing after it. 

"See." My moms voice appears from behind me. "This boy is nothing but a lost cause." Steps come to my other side. "Nothing but garbage." My dads voice occupies my other ear. 

"Xavier." I take a shaky breath in and I look at him, trying to not let more tears fall from my eyes. "Take it back. Tell me your joking." He stares at me with a tired, teary face and says nothing. "Xavier, tell me I didnt just hear the love of my life tell me he wishes he never met me." My voice shakes into a laugh. 

Im going crazy.

His head falls down, unable to answer me. A small whimper leaves my mouth and my head feels dizzy. I cant see straight anymore.

"Take her. She's had enough activity and freedom for the day." Is the last thing I hear from calvin before my eyes close and I feel my body fall into the arms of who I can only assume is my fathers.

I think my heart has finnaly had enough. 

My heart is in so much pain.

I can feel it falling behind in beats.

Fighting to stay alive.

But the only thing keeping it beating is this stupid curse.

My immortality.



Date posted: 11/23/22

Time posted: 8:50pm

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