{45} The night everything changed.

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Everyone was packing their things, desperate to move locations since this one had obviously been discovered. Xavier was grabbing his elixir and I was packing our clothes. I almost feel bad that I was making everyone in a small panic.

It was all my fault.

"Lidia had to put Emma and Jackson under a compulsion to go home," Xavier says with a sigh. I look up at him and he tucks hair behind my ear. "I love you.." I blurt making him smile and lean down to kiss me. "I love you more." 

I would've said I loved him more but I wasn't about to start an argument about who loves who more. So I just softly smiled and went to grab my stuff from the bathroom.

When I walk into the bathroom, I look in the mirror at my reflection. I looked so pale, and tired from crying nonstop for 5 hours. The rest of the afternoon was us discussing where we were going to go. Eventually, we decided to just go further into isolation. 

A wooden cabin.

I push a strand of hair behind my ear before I look at my ring in the mirror. Bringing my hand down, I slip my ring off and just admire it. It was something almost as important as the charm bracelet wrapped around the same arm from Hayden.

"Just wait until a propose to you." Xavier walks into the bathroom and wraps his arms around my waist, and his face rests in the crook of my neck. "I'm going to spend my entire life fortune on our wedding rings." He states making me blush.

"Sam can be the flower girl." I giggle at the thought. He scoffs and smiles. "Sounds about right." His hands slowly flip me around and he hoists me up onto the counter. "What venue do you have in mind?" He asks pressing me closer to him.  

I somehow was finding comfort and relaxation in the mention of us getting married. It was almost what every little girl dreams of writing in her diary. Except I was discussing it with the man I love.

"I was thinking something outside. Natureous." My hands find themselves in his hair and bring his face closer to mine by the second. "I really don't care. It's whatever you want love." Xavier was now staring into my eyes, only centimeters away from colliding with my lips.

"As long as I get to take you out of the dress and make love to you until the only thing you know is that your no longer Smith," He was now staring at my lips. "But Mrs. Witts." I bite my lip and look into his green eyes. 

Mrs. Witts.

"That's fine by me." I close the distance between us and bring his lips to mine. Xavier's groan travels throughout my body and his hands go to the waistband of my sweatpants. "Xavier..." I whisper breathlessly as he tries to tug my sweatpants down. 

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