{48} Unknown reflection

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How did I get here? How did I go from being a miserable grieving human in my apartment to sitting on the floor of a cement-based room with a woman in my hands, my vampire family tied to the walls by vervain ropes, and me no longer being a human?

I can remember when I finally felt happy and normal once again. Laughing hysterically, laying in bed with Xavier as he tickled me to death in the last attempt to try and wake me up for school. But now I'm something I can no longer recognize.

I can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore. It's not that I'm terrified of what I am. I'm terrified because I don't know whos staring back.

Davina smith. The tragic story of losing not only her parents but her brother. Oh, the poor little girl. Having to emancipate to not go into the cruel adoption system. The poor girl whose face is now covered in blood. And the worst isn't the fact that she was covered in blood.

But because she found pleasure in it.

It was delicious.

I gasp as I pull away from the girl's neck. My eyes flutter when I take in what I've just done. "Good job." Calvin's hand brushes my hair behind to prevention of getting blood on it. I hate this. I hate it so much.

It's then that I take to realize that I can't hear the girl's heart or blood pulse. "What-why cant-" I start panicking and I shove the woman off my lap, and back onto the wall. Wanting to create as much distance as possible.

I swallow the lump in my throat and point at the woman with one hand and use the other hand to cover my mouth. "Why can't I hear her heartbeat anymore?.." Calvin smirks and rises from the floor.

He turns to an angry-faced, tear-drenched Xavier and points at me. "Congrats son." He turns back towards me and smiles. "Your newborn vampire girlfriend has gotten her first kill already." My breathing stops and I look down at the woman. "No...."

"No, no, no, no...." Both my hands dig into my ruffled hair and I suddenly can't breathe. The room feels as if it's closing in on me. my body feels numb but not numb at the time. I'm in pain but I can't move. My own body is caving in on its own.

I can't think straight. my breathing has gone through the roof. I start crying uncontrollably and Calvin just stares down at me.

"Liar! I didn't- I could never- I - she's alive!" Everyone stares at me now. Watching me completely go insane. Being in denial of something I clearly was aware I was doing. Something everyone clearly watched me willingly do.

"Davina breathe." Xavier's voice calls at me and I listen but I'm still unable to respond in any way. "No, no, no, no. No, I didn't kill her." I look up at Calvin and a sudden rage fills me.

I hate you.

Don't ask how I managed it, but in a split second, my newly acquired speed sends me onto Calvin. He grunts as I pin him against the wall. I'm going crazy...

"This is your fault!" He struggles as my hand presses his throat tighter by the second. His chuckle catches me off guard and I stare at him in anger. "Look at you. You've become something so magnificent." Shut up.

"I'm NOT what you want me to be!" I yell pressing more into his throat. "Oh really? You're currently about to kill one more person idiot." I flinch and lose focus. "You're a murderer Davina." He starts laughing as my shock of realization makes me drop him.

"You willingly just murdered a woman!" I shake my head and walk backward. "No. NO, you made me!" He points at the woman and smiles. "I handed her to you but YOU dug your teeth into her." He bends down towards the woman and brushes her hair out of her face. She was pale.


"You enjoyed the taste of her blood as she slowly died in pain." I frown and start tearing up again. "You killed her!" Calvin yells making me flinch and whimper. "Leave her alone you piece of rusty shit!" Xavier pulls at his vervain ropes and winces in doing so.

"If anything it's your fault actually!" Calvin spits laughing. I'm just standing in the room not knowing what to do. I don't know where to go.

"If you wouldn't have gotten with her, we wouldn't have found her so easily!" He furrows his eyebrow in confusion. He wasn't the only one. We were both now confused.

Find me?

Wasn't I just in the way of Xavier and the rest of his siblings getting caught? Did I really have a role in all this mess?

The only reason I was tied into this was that I went and fell in love with Xavier.

There's no way I was tied into this in any other way or form. It's not as if he moved purposely to my hometown and I was simply meant to fall in love with him. He didn't even know who I was.

We just ended up cluelessly falling in love.



"You basically handed her to us on a silver platter you fool!" I sniff and gain the courage to speak for both of us. "Who's us? And why me?" He looks over at me and smiles. "Why don't you meet them yourself..." He holds his hand out to his side and I hear two pairs of footsteps.

"Though, you may already know them..." The two figures leave the shadow of the dark room and come into full view. Everyone seems to go silent. I stare in shock.

I feel my legs giving out on me. My head is aching in confusion and shock. I can't really be looking at them.

This isn't real.

It's not real.

It can't be.


No, of course, they aren't real. Calvin's trying to mess with my already distorted mind. He's playing some twisted game on me right now.

"Hey, sweetie...."

I take a sharp breath in and my whole body starts shaking.

I feel nauseous.

I feel the strength holding me up slowly draining.

I feel the color of my skin fade.

"Did you miss us?"

it takes me a moment to gain the ability to speak again.

"Mom? Dad?"



Date posted: 11/06/22

Time posted: 8:40pm

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