1: "Why Are You Calling Me That?"

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Claude opened his eyes.

He was in his bedroom. He sat up on the bed and noticed he was wearing a formal attire.

It was honestly a pain to look at right now. Did someone change him while he was asleep?

He stood up and shuffled through his closet, looking for his favorite, and comfortable outfits. To his surprise, there was none left but one.

He frowned as he changed into it. It was white and had no designs. Just blank.

He sighed. "Felix!"

The said man opened the door to his room at the call and saluted. "Greetings to the sun of the Obelian em..."

He trailed off when he saw what Claude was wearing. He raised a brow. "...erm, sire, what is it?"

Claude narrowed his eyes at the red-haired knight.

"Tell me, Robain. Where did my robes go?"

Felix looked genuinely confused. "...sire, what robes...?" he questioned. Claude grit his teeth.

"The robes that Diana gave me!" he lashed out uncharacteristically. Felix was taken aback at the mention of the name.

"You told me yourself years ago to dispose of those..." he answered finally, gulping at the colder-than-usual stare he was given by Claude.

"I did?" the golden blond said in surprise, his jewel eyes darkening. He clenched his fists together.

He shook his head after a minute of thinking, "Nevermind. Get out."

Felix didn't take any chances and left immediately, bowing before taking his leave. "Blessings and glory to the Obelian Empire."

The door shut and Claude was left standing there.

"...if I find out you're lying to me, Robain, I will behead you myself..." those robes were the only things he had left of Diana.

He shook his head and left. Maybe Athanasia could supply him the answers.

He walked out the room and met eyes with Felix, who was standing guard outside his quarters.

He glared at the royal Knight before walking away, striding towards Athanasia's room.

He made it to the front of his daughter's room and he knocked.

After a few seconds of standing there, the door opened to reveal...


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"...father? Oh, father! Did you come to visit me?"

Claude's jewel orbs widened considerably when Jennette, his niece, greeted him instead of his daughter.

He raised a brow. "Jennette? What are you-?"

She ran up and hugged him. "I appreciate it, father! Thank you for visiting me!" her smile didn't affect Claude. She wasn't his daughter. He saw it all when he was with Diana; Jennette Margarita was Anastasius' daughter, not his.

He didn't move to hug her back and she backed up in confusion.


"Athanasia." he voiced.

Jennette's eyes widened. "W- wha-?"

Claude glared at her. "Where is my daughter? Athanasia?"

"...father, what's wrong...? I noticed you're dressed differently, but I didn't...?"

The blond said nothing.


He walked away from the girl.

She tilted her head with eyes wide in shock of the strange treatment. "Did something happen...?"

Claude didn't stop walking. His next stop was the Ruby Palace. If not the Emerald, then the Ruby was first. Lillian was stationed in Ruby and Athanasia liked her a lot.

I hope I find her immediately.


He ended up leaving his Palace and walked towards the direction of the Ruby Palace.

Guards saluted him as he walked by but he ignored them.

Soon enough, he made it to the gardens of the Ruby Palace and he carelessly walked towards the entrance.

As he entered, maids gawked in surprise.

They all stared at him in surprise, wide-eyed as he continued to walk towards the room where they kept Athanansia.

He... actually didn't know where, but he was hoping he would find her or Lillian in his path.

He didn't, after walking through the halls, but he did manage to meet Lillian after one of the maids told her about Claude's arrival.

The maid bowed in front of him and she couldn't help but notice his old way of dressing.

"Your majesty," she greeted. Claude stared down at her.

"Where is my daughter?" he asked with a frown. At the mention of Athanasia, Lillian genuinely looked surprised. "I am looking to have an audience with her."

Lillian stood up straight at those words, "Of course, your majesty. I will get her right now."

She quickly strode towards where Athanasia was and after a few minutes, he could see Athanasia walk towards him with her head down.

She looked older than when he last saw her.

She stopped walking in front of him and bowed, "You called for me, your majesty?"

Claude's eyes widened.

Athanasia, at the silence, looked up slightly.


"Why are you calling me that?"

Athanasia's eyes widened. "Y- your majesty? What-?"

"Athanasia, don't tell me... are you too old to call me your father?" Claude's eyes darkened at that thought.

Athanasia's brows lifted in confusion. "Y- your majesty, what are you...? I mean, I don't understand? What is going on?"

Claude sighed. "Stand up."

Athanasia immediately did, head still down.

She started to nervously shake when his hands reached her before it disappeared with a pat on her head.

"You're never too old to call me your father, Athanasia. You're my daughter, after all."

She looked up and Claude acknowledged her with a smile.

Athanasia didn't know what to say as he retracted his hand from her head. She felt like crying. Her father had never showed her an ounce of affection before.

"But first, tell me. Why is my niece residing in your bedroom?"

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