2: Official Heir To The Obelian Throne

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"Niece...? Your majesty, I don't-"

"Call me father." Claude cut in. "And, what I meant to ask is why Jennette Margarita is in your room."

Athanasia looked confused. "...but your ma- father, Jennette is my sister, your daughter..."

Claude frowned. "Her? My daughter? Impossible. She is Anastasius' daughter, not mine."

The blonde girl's eyes widened. "But I thought-"

The blond shook his head, "No. You will not stay..." he scrunched his nose as he looked at the walls. "...in this Palace."

He turned around. A maid passed by in the hall. "Call her. I have something to say."

Athanasia, in confusion, called the maid. "Ces! Can you come here for a moment?"

The maid turned around and gave Athanasia a stare of disdain before immediately shrinking upon meeting eyes with the Obelian Emperor.

"Y- yes, your majesty!?" she ran up to them and bowed.

I thought the maids liked her in this Palace... exactly what is going on? Claude didn't like the stare she gave his daughter.

"...go to my Palace." the maid flinched at his cold tone. "Tell Felix Robain to make Jennette Margarita leave the bedroom."

At the command, the maid immediately stood up and ran to the other Palace in a panic.

Claude watched the maid scurry away before looking back at his daughter. He smiled slightly, "Now that that's out of the way, let's go outside."

Claude walked away and Athanasia followed.


Claude basked in the sunlight as Athanasia watched him. They were currently on the boat Claude brought Athanasia as a child long ago.

The Athanasia in front of him definitely looked nervous, unable to meet his eye, but once she did he smiled at her.

She always seemed surprised whenever he did.

Claude looked at the water. Athanasia looks more like Diana everyday. He smiled to himself at the thought.

While looking at the water, he spotted a beautiful transparent water lily. He glanced at Athanasia and saw her looking at it with great interest.

Hm. "Get me one."

Athanasia perked up. "Y- yes, your m- father?"

Claude smiled to himself slightly, jewel eyes glistening from the sun. "Those lilies. Get me one."

Athanasia's eyes widened before slowly looking down at her hands. "I apologize, father, but those water lilies are very dangerous... They-"

"It seems you are doing well in your studies. Impressive." he smiled at her again, genuinely impressed. At least now I know this Athanasia isn't...stupid, or too love-starved.

Athanasia blushed slightly. No one had ever complimented her before; much less from her biological father.

"Thank you, father... no one had ever complimented me like that before, aside from Lily."

Claude's smile disappeared. So this girl really isn't the Athanasia from before.

"...expect me to call for you more often." Claude mused absentmindedly. "You are officially the Crowned Princess."

Athanasia's similar jewel eyes widened. "But father! You can't just make that decision out of the blue! Because... because until now, you didn't..."

Claude shook his head, sighing as he leaned and put his hand on his daughter's shoulder. Athanasia's eyes were wet, blue, jewel eyes shinier with building tears.

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