4: Give

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Jennette was furious. If it hadn't been for Athanasia, she would still hold her title at the Palace! But even if she did, the Emperor himself chose Athanasia to become Crowned Princess!

She bit her nails as Ijekiel approached her. He sat down beside her quietly.

"...Jennette. What happened? Why are you back here in the manor?" he asked sincerely, genuinely worried for her.

Jennette noticed him and made a pitiful face with a pout, faking tears at the corner of her eyes. "Oh, Ijekiel! Are you here to comfort me?" with the saddest, yet most gleeful voice she can muster she asked, latching onto his arm.

The boy frowned in worry. "Are you sure you're okay?" he assumed she was okay with her still-bubbly demeanor, but... something was off.

Jennette squeezed his arm tighter and said nothing as he didn't reply to her first question.

She failed to notice she didn't hate her sister at all.


Duke Alpheus watched them from a distance.

His eyes glowed red.

This isn't how it was supposed to be.


Athanasia still wasn't comfortable in this new life. If it was because of Claude's completely changed getup and behavior towards her, she wasn't sure anymore.

Is this a dream? She thought, almost disappointed at the mere thought of it. This dream is too good for my usual nightmares.

She shook her head. After all, it was just a completely normal day for her, but the difference is that...

She was having lunch with the Emperor.

The food in this Palace, his Palace, was delicious.

As a Princess, despite being forgotten by the Emperor himself, she still had luxury. However, because the Emperor had forgotten about her, the budget kept on dwindling until finally, she was forced to settle on not-so-fancy food, which isn't supposed to be served to royalty, of all people in the Empire.

So to have something like this is... strange. Though she welcomes it, she has doubts.

She was used to seeing Jennette in the Emerald Palace, the Garnet Palace which is this Palace, whenever Athanasia walked by as a younger version of herself, sneaking around to get a peek of new places.

Jennette was treasured deeply by the Emperor so for him to suddenly drive her out himself was more than extreme.

She was sure Jennette was crying by now with her kind of personality.

She failed to realize Jennette hates her now.

Athanasia ate quietly with her father.

"Who taught you your etiquette." Claude asked after setting down his utensils.

Athanasia took a small bite of the steak before wiping her mouth and swallowing to answer. "Lily did. Lillian..."

"Lillian York. Hm. Her." Athanasia was surprised that the Emperor knew of the only person that cared for her. "I will double her salary for teaching you proper etiquette."

Athanasia couldn't help her mouth.

"H-how do you know Lily?" she put a hand to her mouth the instant she heard herself voicing her thoughts.

"Father! I didn't mean to-"

He sighed, waving his hand, dismissing her apology. "Lillian York was... Inspired by your mother. Diana. When she passed, York decided to take you into her care." he casually took a drink of wine as he explained.

"I envy how close you are to her." Felix behind them froze at yet another, out-of-character comment from Claude.

Athanasia hummed lowly, setting down her own utensils after she finished her delightful meal.

She stood up slowly, bowing in the process. "Thank you for requesting my audience at lunch today, father. I will be going to the garden."

Claude didn't protest as she left. He simply watched her with glistening jewel eyes.

Soon after she left, Felix coughed into his hand awkwardly.

"Your Majesty, if I may ask... what made you choose Princess Athanasia as successor of the throne?"


Felix flinched at the dark tone of the Emperor

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Felix flinched at the dark tone of the Emperor.

"I am simply giving her what Diana would want from me."

Felix's brows raised in surprise of the answer.

"I will give her love. The way she deserves." he glared at Felix.

"I wouldn't want her to end up like me."

It became silent as Claude stood up, walking towards the door to leave. Felix bowed behind him, still in his post.

"Blessings and glory to the Obelian Empire."

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