24: Switch-Off

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Athanasia was awoken with gentle taps on her arm.

She blinked a couple times to wake herself up further before looking up and meeting eyes with... Lucas.

"Hey. Princess." he greeted and sat beside her on another chair. Athanasia yawned into her hand. She still felt groggy. "Ah, Lucas. Did you come to treat father?" she asked.

The warlock glanced at the Emperor before shaking his head. "No. He seems fine today."

The Princess raised a brow. "But then why did you come?"

Lucas rolled his eyes dramatically. "Am I not allowed to visit you, Princess?" Athanasia blushed slightly. "No! You can! I just... got confused, is all."

Lucas smirked before it disappeared in a flash, his eyes becoming stern again. "Anyway, I also came to inform you about...that guy. Your uncle."

Athanasia noticed the shift in the mood and listened carefully about what Lucas had to say about Anastasius.

"What was his name? Anne? Annie? Oh, wait, I don't give a-"

The Princess slapped him on the shoulder, stopping his vulgar words.

He sighed. "Whatever. Your uncle's planning to kill his majesty." he pressed on 'his majesty' to add to his sarcasm but Athanasia didn't think it was funny.

Athanasia was terrified.

"What...?" once again, the Princess felt the need to cry. The want.

Her eyes were swollen enough from earlier. But now she wants to cry again.

But she swallows it all up and listens to Lucas' explanation.

"I've been feeling his presence at night outside the door for already a week. It was stated he wants the throne back so naturally, he might try and go for it while the Emperor's knocked out."

The explanation made sense. But her uncle honestly didn't look like it...

Falsely docile-looking eyes. Never judge a book by its cover. Right. How could she forget? His eyes only look docile, but in reality...

She gulped. "Lucas... Let's say I believe you." play it safe, is her first thought. Acting naive was what she was best at; so she had to play it with all her wits in tact to be sure.

The warlock nodded. "If he really plans to do that... will I also be targeted?"

For a moment, Athanasia was sure she saw Lucas freeze, as if not expecting that question.

Underestimating the Crowned Princess.

First mistake.

Lucas nodded slowly, analyzing her words. "Yes. If he wants the throne, he would go after the next block in his path. So, yes."

A solid answer. Athanasia nodded.

If uncle is truly planning to play dirty...

Her eyes slipped away from Lucas' own. Her thoughts derailed from worry to deceiving.

...then I should, too. Pretty pink princess life isn't always going to be like that once I become Empress, anyway. Pain and suffering would also be my life if father had not approached me.

Her jewel eyes squinted dangerously as she stared at the door.

"Lucas." the warlock hummed in confirmation that he heard her.


He waited patiently.

"...teach me how to use my magic."


Anastasius was smiling when he returned to his shared room with Jennette.

"Father! Good afternoon." she greeted with a bright smile. Anastasius returned it, albeit with less light.

"Jennette. Would you like to switch palaces? You know how unruly this Palace is for a princess." he closed his eyes with a smile.

Jennette's brows raised, as if surprised. "But, father, I'm not a princess..."

At her somewhat dejected voice he almost felt angry. But he shoved it deep into his throat. "You're my daughter. Therefore, you're a princess."

"But I don't have the jewel eyes anymore..."

Anastasius frowned, face darkening which made Jennette flinch.

"Just believe what I say. You are a Princess."

At his demanding tone Jennette just nodded, fear starting to creep up her spine, worse than when Claude threatened her. "Of course, father..." Anastasius' smile returned. "Good girl." he approached her and gave her a stiff head pat.

Jennette just watched as he laid on the bed.

"Tomorrow." he started, slightly startling Jennette at the suddenness.

"Tomorrow, we will move to Garnet."

If Jennette noticed that her father's eyes looked deranged, she didn't mention it.


Felix was just guarding the Emperor's door before Athanasia burst out.

It stunned Felix but he managed to calm down quickly and bow at the Princess. "Your highness, blessings and glory."

She nodded back but didn't leave him there like she usually did when she visited the Emperor.

"Felix." Felix immediately stood straight at her tone. Like sire's.

"Close all the gates leading to the Royal property. Make sure no one gets in, or out."

There was a stern emphasis in her voice, and Felix quickly follows without question, noting her expression.

It wasn't the expression of the usually lovable, cheerful princess. It was the expression of a cold-hearted ruler.

That cold gaze alone solidifies it.


Lucas was impressed. Only a few minutes had passed and Athanasia already switched off her crybaby side at the information about Anastasius.

He grinned to himself as the Princess left.

This is getting interesting.

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