26: Divine Beast; Wasted Attempt

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Athanasia was looking around frantically.

When Lucas taught her her first ever spell, some–creature–jumped out of her and now it was missing.

And she had to stop her search abruptly since her uncle asked to speak with her.

Lucas explained that it was a 'divine beast'. It turns out, she has plenty of mana, to the point it burst out of her body just so she wouldn't... explode.

Yes, explode. Lucas said that it was because her mana was so massive that it had to leave her just to let her live.

He said she would absorb it back when she grows old enough, a time when it's all able to fit her body at once.

...but that would be a very long time from now.

That didn't bother her, though. As long as she can at least protect her father, she's fine with anything.

That's what she thought until that divine beast ran away! Right as she named it, too!

Did it not like Raven as its name!?

That cute, annoying little puppy!

She loved dogs, don't get her wrong, but she loved trained dogs, dogs that won't run away all of a sudden.

But thank god it ran back to her that evening.

It was whimpering as it ran to her arms like a toddler.

"What's wrong?" she asked it, knowing full well she won't get a response. The small pup continued to whimper as she pet and hugged it at the same time.

"I wouldn't be too close to that if I were you."

Lucas appeared behind her. She jolted in surprise. The puppy jumped out of her arms and looked up at Lucas, also in shock.

The warlock glared down at it for some reason, making the pup's back fur stand up in alarm.

"Why?" Athanasia resumed from Lucas and the pup's somewhat heated staredown.

Lucas sighed, breaking eye contact from the small beast. "Divine beasts are basically just your mana but separated from your body. Which means, if you keep getting close to it, there's a chance you would 'explode' because you're getting too close to the mana that left your body."

Athanasia shuddered at the explode part. "Alright..." she stepped away from the puppy and its ears went down, like it was saddened that she didn't want to be close to it anymore.

It started to whimper lowly. "Sorry, Raven. It's dangerous."

Lucas rolled his eyes. "What's up with you talking to it like it's a person? It's not even a real dog."

Athanasia frowned his way. "Don't be like that, Lucas. Puppies are puppies; made of mana or not."

"Then I'm not taking care of it." Lucas muttered, arms crossed.

"It's fine." Athanasia replied casually, walking past the whimpering pup. She wanted to pet it so badly.

Lucas raised a brow. "I can always just ask Lily for help." the Princess continued, not minding the groan the warlock made. "Whatever. It's not like a small dog can be much of a nuisance."

Lucas grabbed the dog by its collar and teleported away with a flash of light.

Athanasia sighed, walking away from the scene. "That's not how you hold a puppy, idiot." How can a magician like him be so insensitive.


Anastasius stood in front beside Claude's bed. He had used up his mana today just to teleport to his room.

He has yet to tell Jennette that they might not be moving. Yet.

We will be living in luxury soon.


That soon could be right now if he just gathered the courage and stepped beside Claude's body.

He saw what the warlock was doing. He was busy with Athanasia. He will not be here, even if the protection spell around the room was slicing him up everywhere, blood seeping through his clothes.

He had to do it now.


He approached Claude, once again feeling that dark magic. But it's much, much more potent in this room; without Lucas, the room was drowning in dark magic.

He hovered his hand on top of Claude's chest.

This is it.

He will become Emperor.

Athanasia will not be difficult with her divine beast.

He had to make it quick. The spells around the room was turning him into minced meat.

Do it.

He conjured a spell into his hand.

Do it.

His hands steadied themselves.

Do it.

But as he was about to do it–he paused. Froze.

He watched as his hands trembled. In fear? He didn't know.

His breaths also started turning ragged.

What are you doing? The voice chided almost disappointedly.

Do it! Why are you hesitating?

That's right. Why was he hesitating? This has always been what he wanted since Claude ousted him from his throne.

Sweat dripped down the side of his face and he gulped in anticipation.

Of what? What are you waiting for?

Seconds passed.


An hour.

Just standing there; hand hovering above the chest of his vulnerable brother.

But in truth, it has only been a few minutes.

And he pulled his hand away.

"He will die from the dark magic in his system. I don't need to get my hands dirty."

He spoke to himself like some psychopath. Who does that? Has he gone mad?

He walked away, ready to teleport.

You weak, pathetic fool. You will not get another chance like this.

He tuned out the voice.

It was his own, anyway.

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