34: Introduction Of The Former Emperor

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Lucas was not affected.

It simply cut him off because he had a layered protection spell on himself.

But Claude? Oh, Claude looked absolutely furious.

Athanasia's eyes were wide as she tried to process what her father just did.

"Father! Why did you do that!? You could have seriously injured him!" Athanasia exclaimed. Claude gave her a look.

"So it's true?" he looked back at Lucas who was standing up as he, too, stood up. He was bristling in anger like a cat. "YOU! Who do you think you are, in a relationship with MY daughter!?"

Lucas looked slightly taken aback before composing himself.

"Look, your majesty- I'm technically the Tower Magician- you know, the strongest magician? Also, aren't you the one who recruited me? Why are you like this all of a sudden?"

Claude sighed as he put a hand to his head and clutched it.

He looked back at Athanasia, who was also standing up.

"Athanasia..." he growled through his teeth. He wasn't angry at his daughter; he was angry at Lucas.

Who gave him the right to be my daughter's lover?

"Dad! You said no dating until twenty, right? I'm twenty now!" she reasoned once again as spells started surrounding her father.

He froze.



Why did I say that?

All the spells he had conjured up dissipated around him.

He sighed as Lucas and Athanasia both stared at him confusedly.

"...I should've said until the day I die..." he mumbled, but Athanasia heard loud and clear.

Her eyes brightened as she knew what that meant.

"Really, father? You're fine with us?" Athanasia questioned hopefully. Claude pursed his lips together, as if unwilling to answer.

At the lack of response, Athanasia hugged him tightly, almost knocking the breath out of him.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you dad!!" she kept on thanking him. Maybe because she didn't expect him to ever agree to it.

Claude had to take deep inhales after the hug just to regain his breath but he just ended up glaring as Athanasia hugged the warlock too.

Although he was kind of proud it wasn't bone-crushing like with him.

Athanasia really has become strong, physically, too.

Claude couldn't help the smile forming on his lips.

Athanasia has grown up.

This day has been the most fun he has ever had since Diana passed away.

He narrowed his eyes at Lucas, who was casually holding a conversation with his daughter.

Even if my future enemy (Son-In-Law) is right in front of me.


The next day, Athanasia sat on the throne, atop all of the nobles in attendance.

"Blessings and glory to the sun of the Obelian Empire." Felix bowed as he went to his post.

The guards stood at the other side of the banquet as Athanasia watched everyone's movements.

Alpheus, naturally, is not around.


At the simple tone of their Empress' voice, everyone shut up and turned to her, bowing.

"Have hosted this banquet for an announcement made for everyone. Rise."

On cue, they all rose from their bows as they all stared at each other, having a silent conversation on what the announcement might be about.

Athanasia didn't wait.

"Now former Emperor Claude de Alger Obelia is alive, and will be making his first appearance today after three years."

Everyone halted.

They bowed once again and the banquet began, but not without any more gossip and questions.

There should be an uproar, but there isn't because if there is... Well, the noble population of Obelia might just be eradicated by the Empress herself.

She did not look friendly sitting on her throne like that, watching all of them keenly like an observing Lioness.

It's not like they're not used to it yet, though. It's just hard to accept. That their Empire's cute little princess is gone.

But aside from that, now, they will be seeing with their own eyes Claude de Alger Obelia later on, after plenty of years.

Athanasia just continued to watch as the cattle walked around and spoke with one another.

Another boring day.


Later, Knights were stationed all around the doors and the nobles all went to the side to observe.

The doors opened and out came-

-Claude de Alger Obelia.

The former Emperor eyed everyone in the room with an insult in mind as his eyes trailed from them to the woman sitting on the throne.

"What are you waiting for?" the cold voice of the Empress made them flinch. "Bow."

The even colder tone on 'bow' made them do so; even if it was the now-former Emperor.

"Rise." this time, it was the former Emperor who asked them so. They look back up and the death glare they were all receiving from the Empress was no unnoticed.

"You bow to me, but know that I have officially retired from my position. My daughter is officially the Empress of Obelia, with or without my word."

The nobles all looked back at Athanasia.

"All hail Empress Athanasia de Alger Obelia!" they all said in sync. Claude nodded, the usual glare on his face gone, replaced with a solemn look.

"Now," Claude started, "Let the banquet resume."

And it did.

It was a big celebration, because it involved the Empress. But now that the former Emperor has returned to the public eye, the news has been broadcasted all around Obelia by magic.

They all cheered at Claude's return.


After the banquet, Athanasia and her father went out and used the carriage to return to the palaces. The banquet hall was in the castle, after all.

"Your influence is truly a sight to behold." Claude said casually, leaning back on the seat.

Athanasia smiled. A smile the public eye has not seen for a very, very long time. "It is."

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