38: Save

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Athanasia paused, half-way into her wine.

She set it down, earning raised brows from Lucas and Claude. They both knew her well enough to wonder about her expression.

"Is something wrong?" Claude asked, almost worriedly. He was worried, no doubt.

Athanasia stood up, but not before wiping her mouth. "I'm sorry. I will need to leave early."

"What? Why?" the warlock questioned, now suspicious of her behavior. "Did something happen or something?"

The Empress shook her head. "No. It's... about Jennette."

At her statement, Lucas let it go. Claude, noticing the warlock's indifference, just sighed, shaking his head. He knew his protection spell was still on his daughter and he knew her capabilities. "Just be careful, Athanasia."

She nodded once before teleporting away in a flash of light.


Rosalia was quick to run to Jennette's room and the scene before her was gruesome.

Jennette was on the bed, still alive and breathing and screaming as she was also covered in blood.

Blood that wasn't hers.

Her aunt's eyes were wide. "What happened!?" she asked in a panic as she took in the scene before her.

"A-auntie," Jennette stuttered, fear in the base of her tone, "I-I don't know what happened- but I didn't do this on purpose, I swear! It- I don't-!"

"Quiet, you little brat!" she was cut, and Jennette's eyes widened at her words. "I expected you'd be dead by now, but no! It seems I'll have to kill you myself!" she started to dash away but before she could make it out the door a flash of light shone and she was suddenly pulled back by her hair.


"I knew it. You irritating wench."

The room seemed to drop in temperature at the cold tone of that familiar voice.

Rosalia was frozen as she knew too well who that voice belonged to.

"You have plans to kill your niece. How horrendous. It was a good thing after all that I planted that spell on her."

"S-spell...?" Jennette didn't know what to do as Athanasia tightly grasped her aunt's hair, as if intending to pull it all off with how her veins were almost popping out her hand.

Athanasia's jaw seemed to be clenched tightly as she resisted the urge to kill the woman then and there.

She wanted a better satisfaction of watching her suffer.

"For attempted murder-"

"I didn't attempt to murder her, your majesty! I did not-"

"You dare insult your Empress? How dare you, you FILTHY BITCH." Athanasia brutally yanked her head back by her hair and threw her roughly to the bloody floor coated with the assassin's remains and bits of organs.

Jennette's aunt screamed as she fell face-first into a pile of intestines.

"You horrendous, murderous woman. For attempted murder and slander of the Empress, you will be executed in front of the nobles. They will see how much of a greedy oaf you are as they watch you die slowly."

Rosalia seemed to be choking on sobs now as Athanasia glared at her, her words true.

She then glanced at Jennette, stared as the girl was soaked in blood, shaking.

Her green eyes were wide with fear and shock and many more as she stared back at the Empress.

She was trembling.

Athanasia sighed, rubbing her temples out of habit. "Jennette, do bathe. Your bedroom will be dealt with, so sleep in another room. This manor is big, is it not?"

Jennette just continued to watch as Rosalia attempted to beg but was silenced with spells from Athanasia.

The Empress teleports her and Jennette's aunt away with a flash of light.

Jennette was left there to process everything.

Tears cascaded down her cheeks as another realization pierced her heart.

Aunt Rosalia... tried to kill me...?


"Oh, Athanasia. What's- what the hell?"

Lucas raised a brow in confusion as Athanasia dragged an unconscious Rosalia Judith by her hair, blood trailing from her body.

The Empress' eyes were stone cold as she looked back at Lucas.

"...did you kill her?" he asked eventually after a brief minute of staring at the blood trail. Athanasia shook her head. "She will be tortured first. I will not kill her by my lonesome."

Lucas nodded, taking her brutality in, smirking. "You're so bloodthirsty, your majesty."

Athanasia side-glanced him.

"If I was, you wouldn't be here."

Lucas sighed, now grinning. "You have a point."


Athanasia dragged the body all the way to the guards of the nearby Palace and she instructed them to keep her in the dungeon in the same attire.

She told them they could do anything they want with the body and she left it at that as the guards nervously scuttled away to the dungeons with Athanasia glaring at them all the way.

After that, she washed herself off and went to bed. The punishment will commence tomorrow, and the rightful Obelian Empress will show those arrogant nobles what would happen to them if they ever dare oppose their leader.

It will serve as a warning. A warning to never interfere with an Obelian Royal.


Claude watched from the window of the Garnet Palace as his daughter carelessly dragged a seemingly bloody body to the guards in the other palace.

It was a rather gruesome scene, but luckily the blood stain trailing after the body was cleaned up by Athanasia with magic.

Athanasia has truly become like him. A tyrant ruler. Will a coup d'etat be created to overthrow her rule, as another tyrant?

They will not. Claude, as Athanasia's father, will not let that slide. Even if his precious daughter has become as feral as him.


Jennette couldn't sleep. Nightmares plagued her mind, before she even tried to rest.

She just... couldn't get past the shock.

Maybe it was about time she faced reality and understand that no one will ever truly love her unconditionally in this world.

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