21: Tyrant's Tears

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Claude's groan was not unheard as crunching of- grass? - could be heard in front of him

He opens his eyes and they meet with... pink.

His eyes widen and he immediately stands up and runs to hug the person.

"Diana... Diana..." he chanted, as if she would go away once again. He hugged tightly but the woman, however, refused to do the same.

"Claude." her usually sunny voice calling his name was gone, replaced with cold.


He pulls back, surprised.

"Diana, what-"

A slap could be heard.


Claude was sure it would leave a bruise.

He looked back at her again, "Diana? What was that for?" he questioned, although deep inside he knew why.

Diana, the woman he loved and conceived Athanasia with, glared at him with rage.

"How could you...?" she asked him this time, earning a confused frown from Claude.


"How could you do this to me, Claude? She was my gift to you..."

Now it all started piecing back together.


He almost repeated the same mistake.

"Diana, it was all in the heat of the moment. I was hurt because of her and-"

"Claude, NO."

Like mother, like daughter. Athanasia sounded exactly like her.

"I almost risked my soul in the heavens just to be able to wake you and make you repent for your sin to Athanasia."

Claude's eyes widened. "It was you? You brought me th-"

"Claude, you died. From your own cause, leaving Athanasia to fend for herself. Claude, you left her because I left you."

Diana was now crying.

Claude's own heart was breaking with her words.

"Claude, your majesty, my love... do you realize with what you have just done it will repeat? You will die once again and this time, you will not be joining me or our daughter. Do you understand?"

Claude gulped. What?

"You will be dying once again... there will be no difference from your other life." Diana genuinely looked greatly saddened.

"I cannot tell you if hell truly exists, but... I know that we will not be together until you repent. To Athana..."

Her figure started fading away. Claude tries to reach but completely fails as she dissipates in his arms.


He falls to his knees... and cries.


The next morning, Lucas was beside a once again sobbing Princess.

He was trying to comfort her as he examined the Emperor's mana.

"Lucas, what's wrong with him...?" she asked, jewel eyes glistening with tears.

The warlock supressed the urge to sigh lest he wanted Athanasia to cry harder.

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