32: Work

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Since that afternoon with her father, the Empress seemed a lot lighter in her step and definitely glared less.

Her eyes were still as cold as winter like her father's, and still sharp, but they got to experience that rare sight of her warming up and smiling whenever her father was around.

She was ready to announce to the public about the Emperor returning to his post. But, Claude was quick to tell her that he no longer wanted to sit on the throne as the Emperor.

He told her clearly that she would be ruling as one person. Until she tells him about her relationship with Lucas, of course- but, she hasn't told him yet because she was sure he would gladly aim a sword at Lucas if he knew.

Not like Lucas would lose easily BUT- Athanasia is still going to announce the now-former Emperor's return to the public.

With that, she started planning.


"Father, how have you been?" she asked as Claude sat on the sofa inside his former office.

She asked that while working. Claude seemed impressed.

"I've been fine. I've started training my body again, if only to be able to lift a sword."

Athanasia glanced at him and his expression translated to: in case I ever meet your boyfriend.

It was funny to her. She never realized how humorous her father could be. Or is it humor?

He must be serious. She wasn't worried for Lucas, though; she knew he could just use magic and defend himself whenever. And she knew of his tricks. He trained her, after all. That was when she found out she was a natural at controlling her mana.

But besides that, she will be announcing the former Emperor's return to the Empire just to clarify that he isn't dead.

Ever since she took the throne many had been trying to unravel the mystery behind the Emperor's sudden disappearance, but they all only end up disappearing themselves.

No one questioned the authority of their Empress; not even Alpheus, the closest Duke family aside from Robain. That just proved how powerful Athanasia's influence had become.

But Claude didn't need to know about stuff like that during her term.

So, she continued to work. Not stopping to write or stamp out the paperworks. She could ask Felix to do these things for her when she has other plans, but she just doesn't trust him the same as her father does.

Lily doesn't know anything about these; she was out of the question, so Athanasia just worked day in, day out, not stopping at all to rest. Surprisingly, her body remained healthy.

That's because she took afternoon naps like Claude does. Maybe that's also why Claude stayed healthy.

Speaking of Claude, he was observing the room.

The only sounds he could hear was the scratch of a pen on paper, and the occasional stamp.

He was surprised at how professional Athanasia already was at paperworks despite not learning anything about Royal seals or the Empire's trading state.

Maybe he was just underestimating her.

He closed his eyes and leaned his back onto the soft sofa. Finally, someone else was properly doing his work. Felix was just not enough anymore.

He took a nap.


Felix knew that her majesty would change drastically once she found out Claude was alive and awake, but she didn't expect her to change this much.

She had started to spend more time in Garnet where Claude once again moved into and also started doing her work in the office of that palace, as well.

She also spent more time outside, basking in the sun and exploring the gardens with Claude or having tea and snacks, also with Claude.

Lucas was usually her company before but only rarely.

Felix was glad for that.

Oh- and he almost forgot, he was to escort Claude to the lake outside the palace. Athanasia requested she and Claude spend some time together on the boat, like they did when he first told her she was going to be Crown Princess.

It was going to be a trip of nostalgia for her, even if it was only a few years ago.


"Your majesty," Claude opened his eyes slowly, unalarmed.

Felix stood there. He was the one who woke him up.

He raised a brow. A silent question.

Felix bowed in respect. "Her majesty Athanasia has decided to have a boat ride with you in the lake."

Claude hummed and nodded, sitting up from the sofa. He looked at the desk and found Athanasia gone.

Hm... I guess it would do me good to spend some time outside...

He stood up from the sofa and let Felix escort him out.

Felix happily escorted him. He would do anything, even if it means annoying the former Emperor, just to make Athanasia revert back to her old self, even if it's just a little.

Claude doesn't seem to mind, anyway. He must think the same way.

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