43: Resuming Work

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Soon enough, Athanasia and Jennette reached the exit of the palace.

As Jennette bowed and took a step out through the palace doors, Athanasia stopped her.


Jennette stopped immediately and looked back at the Empress.

The blonde still had that neutral expression on. "Will your name remain Judith?"

Jennette's brows raised a bit at the question, genuinely not expecting it, before looking down and smiling sadly.

"...I'm not sure."

Athanasia nodded, "Very well then. Go along."

Jennette smiled at her one last time before walking off. Athanasia ordered some guards nearby to escort her out of the property safely.

Athanasia then walked through the halls and to her room to sleep for tonight. Her work could be done tomorrow, and she felt the need to rest today.

But as she opened the door and stepped inside, she found Claude leaning on the wall beside the doors.

He was waiting for her. Athanasia wasn't completely shocked because she already felt his mana nearby, but seeing him just standing there in the dark kind of creeped her out. A bit. But she didn't show it.

"Yes, father?" She asked, casually turning her head to look up at him.

Athanasia is actually quite tall; Claude is a six foot tall man and the top of her head was already equal height to his nose.

Claude gave her his usual look. Relaxed. "What did you do with the girl?"

Athanasia shrugged in response, turning her head to look forward again. "I just showed her something."

She walked towards the sofas, "Why don't we sit here and talk instead? It'll be harder to do it standing up in a position like that." She was meaning Claude.

Claude nodded, agreeing as he slowly went to one of the sofas and sat down. The moonlight shone from the window, and that was their only light source.

Until Athanasia used her magic and flicked the lights on on the magnificent chandelier above their heads.

Claude had to blink to adjust his eyes to the sudden brightness but it was no struggle for him.

"So." He started, looking at Athanasia expectantly, leaning forward slightly and resuming his all-time position, head resting on his hand.

" He started, looking at Athanasia expectantly, leaning forward slightly and resuming his all-time position, head resting on his hand

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The younger blonde cleared her throat, "Remember when I told you I killed Anastasius?"

"Yes?" Claude replied, nodding his head, signalling for her to continue.

Athanasia licked her lips, "Well...I had him cremated and the jar with his ashes is where I brought Jennette."

Claude blinked slowly, taking in what his daughter just told him.


Athanasia nodded.

Claude frowned. "I thought you had completely thrown him out." He was fuming. "I thought you dumped his body in a pile of feces and left it to rot there where he truly belings."

Athanasia sweat-dropped. Her dad was sure imaginative. "Of course not. And where would we keep all that feces?"

Claude explained it and Athanasia furrowed her brows. "What are we even talking about, father?"

Claude paused. He put hand to his mouth. "...I don't know."

After a moment of silence between the pair, Athanasia sighed and stood up. "Alright. Father, I'll be off to bed. I have work to do tomorrow."

Claude nodded as he, too, stood up. "Rest well." He left after patting his daughter's head.

Athanasia watched him go.

Apparently, Claude doesn't care much about where Anastasius' remains will be kept. Oh well...

Might as well put it in the meals for guests later...

A bit scandalous, but maybe she got it from Lucas?


The next day work resumed like nothing happened.

Of course, the nobles were still obviously afraid of making any big move or negotiation with the Empress as the fear of what could happen to them was still fresh. It only happened a day before, after all.

However, Athanasia was noticeably not in the mood to murder anyone this day but there was no way the nobles would know that, so all the meetings were postponed, much to Athanasia's relief. The pests were too annoying to deal with in a bright day like this.

Rosalia's head was still displayed in the capital, so maybe it's another reminder of their Empress' supreme rule over them, no matter how rich or influential they are.

Athanasia's pile of work increased rapidly in just a single night of neglect and she finds it so annoying, but it comes with the responsibility of being the Empress of the Empire.

As she continued work, Claude came in and sat on one of the sofas.

Athanasia greeted him with a 'good afternoon' and he returned it as he read a book.

Athanasia's work continued and she yawned.

Claude looked over as Athanasia finally stamped the last of her paperwork and laid on the sofa opposite to him.

Claude hummed. So it's time for Athanasia's afternoon nap.

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