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Silence. Yunho listened to this silence. It gave him rest. It reassured him for a while.

He wanted to stay like this forever, but he couldn't breathe. With a swing, the boy surfaced, rubbing the water from his eyes. Above him a house was burning red in the dark night.

Yunho swam to shore and pulled himself up on the side. He sat down, then he breathed a sigh of relief. He had done it. He had escaped. Relieved, he brushed his wet hair away from his face.

Yunho couldn't stay like this for long. A short time later, several lights illuminated the area. At the end of the horizon the sun was already rising. For Yunho, however, the last few hours felt like seconds. A few moments later, Yunho saw dark figures running towards him. They were cops.

They saw the soaked boy and took him away from the still burning house. With the many cars now blocking the road, Yunho was given a blanket and asked to sit next to one of the cars.

He was still so much in shook that he didn't even think about his sister. Everywhere people could be seen watching the event from their own houses. Yunho watched the flames slowly dying out and sighed in relief.

A policeman came to Yunho and sat next to him. "Unfortunately we have to take you to the police station because we still have questions." Yunho just nodded because he had no choice anyway.


A few hours later, Yunho was still sitting in the station and was stared at by several people. He had explained everything to the policemen in detail, but they still didn't seem to believe him and wanted to know if it was his fault.

"Listen, like I said, I don't have anything to do with it and I have to go now.", Yunho said repeatedly and wanted to get up. The policeman pushed him down. "The investigation is still ongoing. We can't arrest you without evidence, but we have further questions as to what happened."

"But I already told you everything.", said Yunho again and breathed out.

"Excuse me Commissioner, but I haven't had any sleep for hours and I have to take care of my sister. I have nothing to do with this. If you have any questions, you can call me, but please let me go," Yunho said and looked at the man in front of him. He just nodded and then let him go.

Yunho felt weird walking home in the midday sun. Events that happened a while ago seemed so unreal. Did that really happen? He walked away with quick steps.


A little while later he came home. No one was there and an unusual silence fell over the apartment.

Yunho immediately grabbed his cell phone, which luckily he had forgotten at home. He bit his lip when he saw the time. Yumi had finished school long time ago and he was supposed to pick her up.

He quickly unlocked his cell phone to call a taxi. In doing so, he noticed that he had had several missed calls from an unknown number. A queasy feeling spread through him.


He dialed the number and called back. There was only a beep for a while, then someone picked up.

"Hello?" Yunho spoke into the receiver. "Are you Jeong Yunho?" a male voice asked.

Had he left something in the police station, Yunho wondered. "Yes, I am," he replied.

The man on the line cleared his throat, then began to speak.

At a certain point Yunho only heard his voice vaguely and a pounding noise went through his head.

"I'm sorry Mr. Jeong, but there was an accident on Hongdae street. I can't tell you more, but your sister was in the car. I'm sorry..."

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