ᴘᴀʀᴛ 20

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Mingi was about to go to Yunho's pants when the doorbell rang and he winced in suprise ...


Yunho and Mingi looked at each other in surprise. "Are you expecting someone?" Mingi shook his head and let go of Yunho to get up. Hectically he buttoned his shirt again and walked to the door. Yunho was looking for his t-shirt, which was somewhere on the floor. Then he put it on again.

Mingi opened the door. "Mom? Dad?" Mingi got a kiss from his mother, who then immediately went into his apartment, followed by Mingi's dad. Confused, Mingi closed the door and walked after his parents.

"What are you two doing here?" he asked, still confused. Mingi's mum looked at Yunho, who was standing in the middle of the room and was clearly overwhelmed. "I had an important appointment in Seoul. That's why we decided to come over. You needed our help with something right?" Mingi swallowed. He hadn't expected his parents to come right away. He had no time to prepare in any way and had no idea how to explain to his parents that Yunho was staying with him. Mingi's eyes wandered nervously to Yunho.

"Um yeah Mum, Dad this is Jeong Yunho, a friend." Mingi's parents bowed and shook Yunho's hand. Then she looked at the cake, whereupon the candles were still burning. Mingi walked to the table and blew them out, then turned back to his parents. "Um yeah Yunho is the one I told you about. He was acquitted today, that's why he came to visit and we wanted to celebrate something." Mingi nervously scratched his head.

Yunho looked questioningly at Mingi. Mingi made a motion to go. Yunho smiled at Mingi's parents and bowed again. "I'll go now then."

Yunho left the room and Mingi ran after him to the door where he grabbed Yunho's arm. "I'm sorry, I'll talk to you later." Yunho just nodded, but didn't look at Mingi and then left the apartment. Mingi took a deep breath and then walked back to his parents.

His dad had meanwhile sat down on the couch where Mingi and Yunho had been making out a few minutes ago. His mum approached him. "Is everything okay Mingi, you seem a little tense? Aren't you happy that your parents are visiting you?" Mingi tried to smile. "Of course, I was just surprised that you could come so quickly." Mingi dropped onto the couch next to his father. "But as you have seen, everything has already been solved. So you came for nothing." Mingis Mum sat down across from the two. "Oh Mingi, we like to visit you too, it wasn't for nothing. How are you my darling? We haven't heard from you for so long." Mingi cleared his throat. He had a feeling it was going to be a long evening, but unfortunately not in the way he had imagined.


Confused, Yunho walked to San's apartment. He fervently hoped that San would be there because he wouldn't know where else to go. He rang the bell and after a while, luckily, San opened the door. "Yunho? What are you doing here? Are you okay?" Yunho nodded and walked past San to his apartment. San walked after him. Both sit down in the kitchen.

"Am I disturbing you?" Yunho asked. "Well Wooyoung is here, but it's not a problem. What's wrong?" Yunho sighed. "Well, Mingi pretty much threw me out." San made a surprised expression on his face. "Well his parents came by and I don't think he wanted them to know I was staying with him."

San nodded. "Yes, they've been paying for his apartment since he moved here. He probably didn't tell them you were staying with him. But don't worry so much. He probably meant no harm and will tell you later." Yunho nodded. "Maybe can I sleep here tonight?"

Just then, Wooyoung came out of the bathroom and looked back and forth between San and Yunho in confusion. San swallowed and looked at Yunho. "Yes of course you know where the room is." Yunho nodded and left the room. Wooyoung walked to San questioningly. "What's going on? Why is Yunho here?"

San sighed. He knew that if Yunho was here, Wooyoung would start arguing again. "Mingi's parents are here and Yunho wanted to sleep here." There was a moment of silence.

"Okay." Wooyoung just said and started to make dinner. "Aren't you mad or something?" Wooyoung smiled and handed San a knife. "San I trust you and I know you don't like Yunho. So stop thinking and help me with the food instead." San smiled and pulled Wooyoung towards him to kiss his cheek.


A few hours later they both sat at the table and ate while watching a movie. It rang and San opened the door. "Is Yunho with you?" Mingi asked. San nodded and let Mingi in. Wooyoung and Mingi greeted each other and Mingi went straight to the guest room.

Yunho sat at the desk and scribbled something on a piece of paper, when Mingi came in he looked up in surprise. "Mingi everything okay? Where are your parents?" Mingi went to Yunho and sat down in front of him. "I'm sorry I just kicked you out like that. I was overwhelmed because I hadn't seen my parents for so long and I didn't know exactly how to tell them about you." Yunho nodded in understanding. "It's okay Mingi. I probably would have reacted the same way in your situation."

Mingi took Yunho's hands. "Besides, I didn't know how to introduce you. I don't even know what we are now."
Yunho was confused. "What do you mean?"

Mingi cleared his throat. His heart started pounding.

"Will you be my boyfriend Yunho?"


I know this chapter is quite short. It was like a fill chapter anyways haha.

The next weekend I think I am gonna wrap this story up. I still don't know how many chapter there will be but I think around 2-3.

Anyways I will start another story very soon and I will probably make a second book of this too so yep stay tuned and take care♡

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