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San pulled Wooyoung out of the apartment, leaving Yunho and Mingi alone. Annoyed, Wooyoung stood in front of him and looked at him. "What do you want to talk about?" he then asked.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you in such a bad mood is it because of Yunho?" San asked worried. "No it's nothing I'm just tired." Wooyoung said and looked away. He was bad at lying. "Woo?" San said and nudged his friend.

"Why are you letting him live with you?" Wooyoung finally asked, looking directly at San. "He doesn't have anything else at the moment," San answered truthfully. "But you hardly know him and when I didn't have anything you didn't care at all."

"No that's not true Woo. I haven't known Yuhno long but he's in real trouble right now. I don't know what but I think he wanted to kill himself. He just reminds me of myself before I met you and I just wanted to help him." Wooyoung looked away. "Yeah okay I get it San. I just don't want to lose you."

San smiled and then hugged Wooyoung. "Woo nobody can replace you okay." Wooyoung nodded and hugged back.


The next morning started with a lot of good mood. Mingi came by and brought breakfast. "Yunho is still sleeping.", San said to Mingi when he sat down at the table. San then went to the bathroom to get ready.

Mingi jumped up and walked to the guest room. He knocked on the door and waited, but there was no answer. He knocked again and then very quietly opened the door.

Yunho was actually still lying in his bed and was asleep. The room was illuminated by a small lamp. Mingi sat quietly on the edge of the bed and watched the sleeping boy. He wondered what had happened to him that he was now staying with San. He gently stroked his hair and had to smile because Yunho looked like a teddy bear when he was sleeping peacefully.

After a short while, Yunho slowly opened his eyes. He hardly realized Mingi was sitting in front of him until the boy started to speak.

"I brought breakfast, wake up.", Mingi said quietly and Yunho opened his eyes completely. Before he could say anything, Mingi took his hand and carefully pulled him out of bed. Until Yunho stood in front of him and looked at him with tired eyes.

"Did something happen?" Yunho asked confused. "I mean why are you here?"

"Just like that. I wanted to get you to breakfast." Yunho nodded, still a little confused. Mingi looked at Yunho and noticed how fragile he actually seemed, despite his size. He took Yunho's hand and pulled him with him.

Both walked into the living room where they met San. "I have to go to work, but have a nice day." He said, gave them both a smile and left the apartment.

"Don't you have to work too?" Yunho asked and sat down at the table in front of the couch.

Mingi sat down next to him and gave him a plate with something to eat. "No, I only have a part-time job, but I usually only go there on the weekends."

"Are you still going to school?" was Yunho's next question. Mingi nodded. "But I'll be finished in three months. And you, what school do you go to?"

Yunho didn't know what to say. Should he tell Mingi about everything? Mingi looked at Yunho when he remained silent. "No, I don't go to school anymore.", Yunho said simply and hoped that Mingi didn't ask any more. He actually didn't do that, he just nodded and began to eat.

Yunho still found it difficult to eat so much, so he took a few spoonfuls and watched Mingi. He had never met anyone like Mingi and he really liked his open nature.

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