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It was already evening when Yunho came into the living room. San was on the road, so Yunho was alone at home. He made himself some tea and tried to relax a bit. After a few minutes his cell phone rang. A strange feeling spread through him. The only one who would normally call him would be San, but his cell phone was obviously lying on the living room table.

Yunho pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and recognized a stranger's number on his screen. Despite his anxiety, he answered.

After some time, a police officer spoke up and the longer he spoke, the worse Yunho felt. "All right, I understand.", he said goodbye and hung up with a sigh. Again a wall of sadness came back to him.

He suddenly felt bad that he was staying in San's apartment without paying anything. He felt bad that he sat around all day doing nothing but thinking. He felt bad that his sister wasn't here anymore and could be happy. He felt bad that he was still here and allowed to live his meaningless life, but his family wasn't. Suddenly he couldn't think of anything else and he started crying without realizing it.

The police officer had told him that the owner of the house had reported him for arson and while Yunho had kind of expected it, it felt like the world was against him once again.

Even if there were few people who were nice to him and gave him more than enough, he had the feeling that he was dragging them down and ruining their lives for his happiness.
And how lucky was he? He had nothing. He didn't even know who he was. He felt so endlessly lost.

Taken over by his sadness, Yunho curled up on the couch and tried to sleep. He knew if he couldn't sleep and if his thoughts didn't stop soon, he would do things he would regret again.


Yunho didn't notice how San came home a while later and even if he didn't sleep properly he lay still and tried desperately to block out his thoughts.

San saw Yunho lying on the couch and quietly tried to put his things down. He had invited Mingi and Wooyoung for the evening because Yunho still didn't come across as happy and his two friends could distract him better than he could himself. Nevertheless, he wanted to let Yunho sleep and therefore took a quiet shower. Yunho finally fell asleep after a while, but his thoughts haunted his dreams as well.


Wooyoung and Mingi walked from school to San's together. On the way there, Wooyoung didn't speak a word, which was quite strange for him. "Everything okay?" Mingi asked after a while.

Wooyoung remained silent at first but then spoke. "It's all good, well, you've noticed that San and I had a fight..." Mingi looked expectantly at his friend. "Yes?"

"I kinda feel like we're going to fight again. I know sometimes I'm really stubborn and sometimes I really can't control myself. I don't want San to always apologize for things I did wrong."

Mingi nodded and walked down the street next to Wooyoung. "What was your fight about?" Wooyoung shrugged. "Oh, I just thought it was unfair that he let Yunho live with him."

Abruptly, Mingi stopped and turned to Wooyoung to put his hands on his shoulders.

"And when are you going to finally tell San that you're actually just jealous that Yunho now lives with him and that he sees him more often than you do."

Immediately, Wooyoung took Mingi's hands away from him. "I'm not jealous at all." Mingi had to smile.
"Yes, come on, Wooyoung, I can see that. You don't even know Yunho, would you otherwise have any reason to not like him?"

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