Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I was ready for school after taking care of what now became my morning ritual. The gym was getting to be a little annoying and I was tossing up my options. I debated whether I should change to the next gym over, it was cheaper but not as well equipped. It still had 24 hour access which was good for me but the current gym was getting a little crowded.

People, mainly girls if I'm being honest, had started working out at the gym at the same time as us. It was painfully obvious what they were there for, almost all of them were wearing brand new clothes, full make up and were incredibly unfit. I honestly couldn't see the appeal of getting up in the morning just to perv on someone and it was getting a little unnerving at some of the not so discreet cameras being pointed in my direction but I can't really help it. Koenji seemed to thoroughly enjoy it though.

I figured I'd just give it some time and they'd get bored of it and go back to sleeping in.

Getting into the elevator, I glanced at my phone wondering if Asahina-senpai managed to organize a meeting. It was still early and she more than likely wouldn't have had a chance to even speak to the Student Council President but I was really excited about it. In a life where I excelled at everything and had very few first experiences, entrepreneurship was never something I wanted to do but it was still a new experience. I wanted to see if any of my work had paid off.

I did see a message from Arisu... A thoroughly pissed off Arisu. Two days of no calls or messages from me and then seeing me at Pallet last night with Asahina-senpai meant a very very pissed off little sister. I made a mental note to prostrate myself later and beg for forgiveness. I wonder if I would have even considered doing that for anyone if I had never left that place and forged any bonds with people.

Lost in my thoughts, the moment I stepped out of the elevator an arm was draped over my shoulder and I saw the tired face of my best friend.

"G'morning," Eiichiro grumbled, leaning all of his weight on me.

"Morning," I offered back. "Do I have to drag you for the entire day?"

"Just to the school," He murmured. "I was up all night after I left, I looked through the student boards for anything I could find about the ranking system."

"You wasted your time," I laughed. "If it's supposed to be a secret it's not going to be in an obvious place like the student boards."

"Go screw yourself with you and your brain..."

We continued toward the school with Eiichiro dragging his feet and trying with all his might to keep his eyes open. I detoured us to the gym so I could buy him a pre-work out drink. Coffee wasn't going to do it, I'd have to give him something strong enough to wake a dead rhinoceros. Leaving him against the wall, I bought one from the vending machine before thrusting it into his hand.

"Don't taste it just chug it, it tastes terrible but it'll keep you awake at least until lunch."

"What is this?" Eiichiro asked, tiredly eyeing the bottle.

"Don't ask. But if you start having heart palpitations you may need to go to the infirmary."

Wisely, he drank half before closing it up and shoving it into his bag.

"I didn't think you'd come to school today. I was trying to wake up when I saw you come out of the elevator, you said you weren't going to come in for three days." Eiichiro asked with a bit more energy in his voice.

"I finished faster than I expected and now that most of it is done all I can do is wait on answers. Besides, now that you're class D's fearless leader, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't do the bare minimum I promised?" I joked.

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