Chapter 19

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I hate my life. At this very moment I absolutely hate my life. I hate Koenji, I hate my sister, I hate my best friend, my classmates and everything about this stupid island.

"Are you sure we can't get a camera for the trip?" Karuizawa asked Eiichiro.

"No, but I wish we could," Eiichiro said dumbfounded as he watched in awe.

I was putting up a tent. The third tent to be more specific, since I already put together the first two. Apparently this was enough to cause most to stare at what I was doing as though I was walking on water. We had reached the place that was going to be our base camp for the next week, a river that was found by Ike which had supposedly been the perfect spot.

At first another group had found a different base, only for it to be taken by Class B. According to them it had a well and relatively flat ground but Koenji seemed to approve of our spot more. With the river, we'd have a shaded area to fish and thanks to the fishing rods that Koenji and I found at the hut, we were able to fish while saving eight points.

Surprisingly as good as the fishing gear was, it was the canvas duffel bag it came in that was far more handy. It was a heavy duty canvas that looked waterproof. The girls were taking it with them and carrying it between them to collect food that they foraged for. For the first night, we agreed to spend ten points on the meal sets in order to have a night of reprieve after a day of change and hard work. At the moment they were just keeping themselves busy, building up a stockpile to have something to do while we set up.

I was busy setting up the tents by myself. All because I'm apparently surrounded by boys with the upper body strength of a dutch woman.

Our current shopping list with our points per Koenji was as follows:

Two Extra Tents for 20 Points

One Hammock at 3 Points

One Toilet for 20 Points

One Meal Set for the first night for 10 Points

Sets of Pillows, Fans and a Mat for each of the tents totalling 24 Points

One Water Purifier for 10 Points

Totaling 87 Points

His plan was incredibly corporate. The entire strategy revolved around mitigating risk. Keeping morale high with basic comforts and especially mitigating the risk of sickness, physical and mental. He even had a plan that he came up with to mitigate the risk of our leader being found out.

In private, I met with Kushida and asked her to keep the two morons in check. She really made a big show of the fact that she was supposedly doing me such a huge favor but agreed to do it nonetheless. She also really seemed to cling close to Arisu who didn't really like her all that much but managed to keep it from showing.

All in all Koenji's strategy was a relatively decent plan.

I also knew Arisu would absolutely hate it. Arisu hated safe plans, she wanted blood.

"The strategy we will have in place is to keep our exposure low. Mitigating risk through lowering all factors of interference. We will be spending points to allow for a baseline of comfort while operating on a budget. Our target is to stay above one hundred and fifty points at the end of the trip, however there is also the possibility of going over-budget should we require it." Koenji had explained.

"We're spending too many points," Ike whined. "We should be saving the points now, we only have to endure for a week anyway."

"Very well then, if you wish to defecate in a cardboard box then be my guest. If you are able to last the week without using the toilet once then do so. Should you be able to manage, the class will all sacrifice a portion of their allowance to pay you the two thousand points that you will be missing out on.

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