SS The Bet

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While the school is enjoying its Summer Vacation, many are spending their days relaxing and enjoying the well earned break. Under normal circumstances I would be too but I've always been somewhat of a workaholic. The school is rather empty at the moment while the first years are away on their cruise, it's bittersweet for me.

This will be the final time that I will get to experience a holiday like this, soon the place that I called home will no longer be made available to me. I cherish every moment that I can because I know that once I leave this place, I will never be able to see it again. Like death, it is inevitable, while there is life after on the outside, this place will cease to exist for me.

It is why I've decided to enter the quiet peaceful sanctuary that is my office. Despite the fact that it was only a recent move, barely a couple months, I have quickly grown fond of it. It's the embodiment of my success, possibly my greatest success, the recruitment of Vice President Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

It follows one of my greatest failures during my tenure at this school, the recruitment of Nagumo Miyabe. When I first met the boy, he was incredibly promising and ambitious. One with a chip on his shoulder, eager to prove himself and show that he was worthy of Class A rather than his original placement of Class B.

I thought I could mentor and nurture him. Show him the school for what it is and what it is not. When recruiting him, he readily accepted and not long after I realized that I had poisoned my own well, a poison masquerading as an elixir. A weed disguised as a flower.

No matter my guidance, he stuck to his own principals. Insisting that I was the one that was wrong and eager for recognition that his ideals were superior. That nurturing shouldn't be the goal of the school, but to foster an environment where the strong survive and the weak are eaten.

By the time I had realized my folly, I was too late. Too proud to admit that I was wrong and I'd allowed that weed to spread and fester until it was no longer under my control to cut it down. There was no way that I could remove Nagumo Miyabe, I had empowered him too much. He was popular now, looked at as the prize of the second year students.

My salvation lies in one Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, if only I had been patient. There was no way to know that he was coming, it was hubris on my part. I thought that I could take anyone and mold them into my own ideals. As shameful as it is to admit, I was the one who was foolish.

Torn from my thoughts, I'm unsurprised to see the one person I did not want to see today, Nagumo Miyabe. Confident as always, checking the GPS function whenever he can to see what I'm up to in order to bother me with his incessant pestering yet again. There are times when I think to myself that I should just humor him and recognize his efforts simply so that I can conduct the remainder of my school life in peace but I can't seem to bring myself to do it.

"Horikita-senpai," Nagumo greeted with a cocksure smile. "I expected you'd be in today, turns out I was right."

"Nagumo," I replied curtly. "I was just here to get a headstart, I wasn't expecting any of the other council members to be in today."

"If the president is in the office, he's available. Isn't that what you taught me, Horikita-senpai?"

"I didn't say that I wasn't available, just that I wasn't expecting any visitors. What can I do for you?" I asked, not looking up from the paperwork I had just pulled from my leather binder.

"I was wondering if you'd considered what we discussed last time. You haven't given me a reply." Nagumo sat at the guest couch as he spoke before spreading his arms comfortably over the back and putting his feet on my coffee table.

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