Chapter 30

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A/N: I'm sick at the moment so I had to stay home from work and decided to write a short chapter. 

There are a lot of people who have been commenting and voting on all of the chapters, including the earlier ones from way back when I started this story. I want to take the time to say thank you and I read all of them, replying to them all and replying to the replies is something that I'd love to do but have less time for lately. Especially considering my phone buzzes with notifications constantly from WattPad.

Please know that I really do read all of them, your efforts for voting and commenting really make all of this worth it. Especially when people notice some of the hidden plots that I try to hide within the bulk of the chapters. Your interest makes all of this worth it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I still remember when I first uploaded the prologue that I wasn't sure how far this would go. I still remember updating the page to see when I had my first reader. To think that now we're at almost 85k reads with almost 6.5k votes is very humbling.

Honami was virtually a ghost for the next day after our moment, Class B were determined. The placings in the examination were quite odd if I do say so myself, there were many notable aspects about the selection that seemed quite interesting.

Eiichiro was a little dejected to say the least. Being appointed to the monkey group was a huge blow to his pride. Once everyone was made aware of the groups, it was clear that the Dragon Group was the powerhouse. The leaders of every class were within that group. Eiichiro felt like he was pushed out of the role by Chabashira-sensei and there was nothing I could say to change his mind.

It was obvious why she did it, if it were a tradition to put all the leaders in the one group then she violated it. The reason was blatant, she wanted to win. She vocalized her concerns at us taking too many losses and this time she did something for the benefit of Class D, regardless of what history dictated; she kept Eiichiro away from Ryuen.

The thing is, Eiichiro was relieved beyond belief when he looked at the placements and saw that he wasn't in the same group as Ryuen. It was the very first thing he checked for and when he noticed he immediately vocalized his relief, thanking whatever deity existed for the good fortune. It wasn't until we actually saw who was in the Dragon Group and realized what it meant that Eiichiro's mood began to sour.

Being dejected didn't last long though. After explaining that it was actually a good thing that he was in the monkey group, Eiichiro was insulted. He felt slighted, he also thought I was only saying it to comfort him and with a vengeance, he left the room before looking for Chabashira-sensei to give her a piece of his mind.

Irrespective, I fully intend to do my own preparations on my own. There are things about this examination that have already stood out to me, why are they calling it the Zodiac Exam? If it's about identifying twelve groups why not just number them? It was for that reason that I contacted Horikita and asked her to meet with me.

The Ocean Cafe is a great place. I know that this is peak laziness but I've been here several times with Arisu and the Class D students but even still, I hadn't known the name of the place even though it was written on the menu until just now. Is this peak laziness? Have I attained a new level? Have I reached Enlightenment? Is this even my final form?

All questions that can be contemplated at a later time I suppose.

"Were you waiting long?" Horikita asked me as she took the seat next to me, quickly taking a sip of her coffee that she asked me to order for her.

"Yes, I've been waiting for ages and you're late."

"Etiquette dictates that you're supposed to say no, you just got here," Horikita frowned at me with disdain.

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