Chapter 41

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A/N: I had a different chapter written but decided that it needed more set up. Sorry it's late, I hope you enjoy it :)

Word of warning, Hornykouji is making an appearance.

With everything finally winding down I was finally able to relax. For the love of God, please. PLEASE. No more Special Tests. What kind of Summer Holiday was this? Someone should sue the school for false advertising.

I was enjoying the greatest nap known to man. Barely after 7:00 am, I was back in my room and sleeping with the soothing cold from my air conditioner running full blast.

It was heavenly, in that little pocket of the world where I wasn't quite asleep and not quite awake either. I could feel myself drifting off into that abyss, I could already feel what my dreams would bring. I could already smell the delicious smell of Omurice that my dreams were taking me to, smell the delicious scent of citrus filling my nose as I hugged my body pillow closer. The dreamworld was calling to me, I could feel my body pillow give a slight squeal in surprise. The fibers tickled my face as the air conditioner blew.

The dreamworld was taking hold, my body pillow was peppering my face with feather-light kisses on my cheeks and jawline.

Hang on a second...

Cracking my eyes open, I suddenly realized I was never in the dream world at all. Those bright blue eyes crinkled in happiness as I looked down to see Ichinose Honami beaming with joy.

"I was surprised when you suddenly just grabbed me out of nowhere in your sleep and dragged me into your bed," Honami laughed.

"When did you get here? How did you get in?"

"About an hour ago. You gave me a key, remember?"

In my sleep-muddled mind state, I vaguely recalled giving her the spare key to my dorm around the time that she joined the council. It was originally intended for her to do my shopping for me. I truly am a horrible person, I had BUDDY to do all of those things for me and I still gave her a key to do even more.

"Don't you have plans today?" I mumbled, closing my eyes again and hugging her closer.

"We do. I made breakfast for you AND I have an amazing itinerary that even you are going to love." Honami gloated proudly.

"Does it include me sleeping in silence?" I asked while burying my face into her neck to escape the light.

"Don't be like that! It's early morning, there's so much to do while we're on break!"

"Sleep," I mumbled as I started to drift off.

Honami sighed in exasperation but relented. Running her fingers through my hair soothingly I dozed off not long after. I fell into dreamland, reality giving way as the contrast of the cool air on my back and the warmth of Honami's body heat on my front comforted me. At some point, she dozed off as well.

We stayed like that for hours, both sleeping the day away in complete laziness. If my stronghold was going to be breached by anyone then I'm alright with it being her. That smirking bastard had better stay away, I was off the clock. I've done far more than enough the entire time during the cruise, I didn't want to hear anything about duties. Not a word about Special Tests. I most definitely didn't want to hear any gloating about my eventual participation.

I was a little dejected at first when I realized that the smell of food and hugging a body pillow wasn't an actual dream but reality mixed in with my drowsy mind. Lately, I haven't been sleeping well. For the first time in my life, I was plagued with nightmares.

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