Chapter 7

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Arisu was still in tears when she left the room with the blonde girl. The rest of the class was quiet for a while but then Hirata, who was still at the podium addressing the class, suddenly cleared his throat to break through the tension.

"It would seem you have a few people upset with you, Ayanokouji-kun," Hirata said with an awkward smile.

I nodded once in acknowledgement.

"At least now everyone knows what my defect is," I tried to joke to cut the tension.

"Shouldn't you go after her? Your sister seems really upset," Karuizawa said with concern.

"She'll get over it, she'll be fine,"

"I don't think so this time, Kiyotaka. I've never seen Ah-chan like that..." Eiichiro trailed off.

"You better hope she isn't outside the door, you're lucky you got off with that once. She'll hit you with her cane again if she hears you this time,"

"This really isn't the time for you to joke, Kiyotaka. She's really upset. We should go after her."

"No we should leave her be, if we go after her now we'll just make her angrier."

There was an awkward lull in the conversation for a while before Hirata cleared his throat again.

"As I was saying before the... interruption? I don't know exactly what to call that, sorry Ayanokouji-kun. But regardless, I'm sure all of us are shocked and unhappy with the results but we should really discuss what we're going to do moving forward." Hirata proposed.

"I'm not sure there's much to discuss really," Horikita said suddenly. "I plan on speaking with the higher ups to review my placement in this cesspool as soon as I can leave."

"You heard what Sae-chan-sensei said, you're arrogant. Maybe you should stop acting like you're better than everyone all the time and you would have been moved to a higher class!" Yamauchi yelled out at her.

"Look who finally found their courage, I'm surprised you could say a straight sentence with all that shaking you were doing before. After that performance, why should I take anything you say seriously, Selfish-kun? At least I had the stomach to stand up for myself. If you like, we can switch uniforms, the skirt would probably suit your personality better." Horikita taunted.

"I don't think that's really helping at the moment," Eiichiro cut her off.

"And I think that it's a little late for you to be playing at being some sort of a leader. If Chabashira-sensei was right about one thing, you're uninspiring. How pathetic, you couldn't even get your best friend to pick up a pen during a test and you let that-" She pointed at Yamauchi with disdain. "stop you from doing what you knew was best for the class."

"I didn't see you putting your foot down either. You agreed and then let it happen. By your logic, you're just as much to blame as him." I chimed in. Poor Eiichiro has been taking it in the teeth all day.

"Please, your opinion doesn't matter in this situation, you're part of the problem. I'm surprised you have the energy to speak, you've done nothing this entire month."

"I did enough for your brother to recruit me into the student council," I said childishly. She bristled, ready to sound off when Kushida cut in.

"Did you really get recruited to the student council, Ayanokouji-kun? As the Vice President too, that's amazing! Congratulations!" Kushida gushed. I couldn't help it, I turned around and flashed a smug grin at Horikita before nodding at Kushida.

"It's a pain but he asked and I agreed," I shrugged.

"Congratulations, Ayanokouji-kun," Hirata agreed.

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