Chapter 10

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Things for me could not be going better in life. After the debacle that was our mid term exams and what had happened with Horikita, it was nice to get a break.

While everyone was in shock over what happened with her being expelled, everyone was hyper aware of the people in the room. It wasn't going to be easy to leave unnoticed as everyone seemed to want to stay to see what would happen next, waiting for Chabashira to return. So in order to leave, I had to take extremely desperate measures.

I feigned that I was dying to take a dump. It was actually a bit of a tension breaker, pardon the pun, and I managed to slip out without any questioning of my leave. After passing Horikita to Manabu outside the building, upon my return Chabashira was already explaining to them all that it was a misunderstanding and that Horikita had been cleared of cheating.

I couldn't have timed my arrival any better, there was no suspicion of me being involved since I had arrived after Chabashira. Eiichiro remarked that it must have been a big one and joked that he wondered if I fell in. That was all that was needed to curb anyone if they had any doubts.

While I haven't heard much from the other classes, I had never been more proud of any individual than I was of Ichinose Honami. It brought a tear to my eye when she told me that Class B had successfully passed the examination with all forty members scoring a collective average of zero.

From what I was told everyone was extremely impressed. Her homeroom teacher had gushed about the sheer courage that such a route would take, her classmates were impressed with the ingenuity. If only my dear sister could see the value of my laziness.

I haven't been able to make any progress on that front and I'll admit I'm incredibly sad about it. I really miss Arisu a lot. Every attempt that I have made to speak to her has been met with a stonewall of rejection. I have been constantly rebuffed and continually have to be referred to her by Ayanokouji-kun. It jars my ears to hear that but I understand that she's upset and needs time.

I'm beginning to take exception with Horikita Manabu. It seems as if he was right. Eiichiro has less time for me, spending quite a lot of it studying and helping other students of our class and Arisu seems hell bent on making me bend the knee. I thought she would break by now and forgive me but it seems this time she is particularly stubborn.

It's not as though she's enjoying this though. I've noted a few times when I've passed her about campus that she would look at me with sad eyes when she thought I wasn't looking. Then when I would notice her ready to approach, that same cold and determined look would return and she would leave as quickly as that cane would take her.

My one saving grace was my beautiful and understanding Secretary, Ichinose Honami. Oh, there is no one on this planet who is more perfect than Ichinose Honami. Not for reasons so superficial as her body or attractiveness, but for the way that she indulges me.

When Student Council duties started, we were given a location to meet for the new Student Council Office. Manabu had informed the rest of the council that due to my appointment, father saw fit to move us to an old faculty building and renovations were completed quickly. There wasn't much to do save for repainting and furnishing but it meant a much higher standard of comfort.

That was all that it took for Nagumo to see the benefits of having someone so well connected. From what I understand, he had a lot of resentment over the fact that I was appointed purely on being the son of the Chairman. He believed in meritocracy, the value of accomplishment. To him, regardless of if I had managed to make his dream a reality, it was a bitter pill to swallow.

However, the moment that we walked into the new student council and we were shown that we all had our own offices, he was sold. All three were the same size but I indulged myself with a few upgrades from my own pocket, pretending that I had my father get it for me.

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