Chapter 15

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Outside the office, I spotted a girl sitting on the same spot where I had sat next to Arisu after her failed attempt at getting father to force me to apply myself. Her hair was short and she looked a little bit like a tomboy with a small flower hairpin on the side, pinning her hair behind her ear.

Normally I would just continue into my office, but she was crying. Whatever had upset her was really affecting her, she was heaving with sobs with her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands.

"Good evening," I called to her gently. I didn't want to surprise her by staying silent and moving close to her, so I announced my presence as early as I could.

She looked up at me in pure surprise before furiously wiping at her eyes. I was a little bit perplexed when she fixed me with a heavy glare. It looked incredibly strange on her, she didn't look like the type of person who normally would look at people in that manner.

"Go away," She said angrily.

Something must have happened to her to make her so angry and I found myself curiously wondering why. The student council office was a fair distance from any of the other facilities so whatever upset her must have happened in the office itself.

"Sorry to disturb you, but you seemed pretty upset. Is everything alright?" I asked gently.

She continued to glare at me, not offering any form of explanation. It wasn't like I had anything to do right now so against her obvious wishes, I heavily took the seat next to her with a bit of a thud before relaxing.

"I asked you to go away," She said again angrily.

"It's a public bench, I'm staying. Besides, whatever upset you must have happened in the Student Council Office. Even if I don't like it or do anything with it, I am the Vice President so it's only right that I look out for my fellow classmates right?"

She continued to glare at me for a few more moments. She clenched and unclenched the fists on her hands a few times before finally relaxing in defeat.

"I confessed my feelings to someone I like... They rejected me."

"Ahh, I see," I acknowledged. I didn't really know what else to say to that, I've never experienced it myself on either side of that situation.

"I've... noticed that they've started to have feelings for someone, I thought this would be my only chance. I expected to get rejected, but I didn't think that I would feel like this," She said sadly.

For a while, I could only stare at her and wonder what it would feel like if the person you had feelings for had to reject you. Especially if you were close to that person, would that ruin the friendship you had? Would you be able to still hang out with them even if you could only think about how you had a one sided love?

It was strange, I never would have been able to ask myself philosophical questions such as this if not for these random encounters.

"If you wouldn't mind, would you tell me what it feels like?" I asked curiously.

The girl went quiet for a bit and thought about it, not answering for a while. She furrowed her brow as she thought as though really trying to put the words to an answer. Realizing I wasn't going to get one for a while I decided to continue.

"I never experienced it before because I've never received or gave a confession before, I was just curious,"

She looked up at me looking perplexed as I thought about whether or not I should say something about this. It was something I thought may help her in this situation, sharing your own experiences. Maybe because I just finished talking about it with Arisu that it felt more natural to mention it again but I'm not sure.

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