SS The day my life flashed before my eyes

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Never in my life have I despised someone more than I loathe Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. That bastard. If there was ever someone I ever had the misfortune of being associated with it would be him.

From the first day, when he strode into class late I hated him. This was the beginning of my journey to proving myself to my brother and yet this obstacle came in the first few minutes. Offering some half baked excuse of escorting his sister to her class. I now know that she's impaired but she was capable. It wasn't as though she wasn't able to take care of herself, why did he feel the need to escort her? Knowing him now it's obvious, that sloth used his sister as an excuse to be able to come late from the onset.

Some manner of asserting low expectations from the beginning. How poignant.

Just thinking back on what happened when Arisu Sakayanagi entered our class that day fills me with utter elation. Watching that girl stride in, cane in hand and tearing him and his best friend anew for his lack of effort was breathtaking. I could almost envision my own bodice in her place, chastising him for his loafing. It was breathtaking. Watching his face despair into sadness at Sakayanagi's tears of disappointment was invigorating.

It almost made up for the fact that just a short while before, I found out that not only was this buffoon appointed to the Student Council, but that he was personally recruited by the same brother who I fought so desperately to recognize me.

Why him? Why this walking piece of mediocrity? Because of his family? Because of his father? Why not his sister?

If there was another who had earned my ire, it was that bastard Koenji. To insinuate that my brother was in some form of homosexual relationship with this cretin...

I've digressed. I must calm myself. I can already feel my pulse rising in anger. This is why I prefer to avoid people as much as possible. People are stupid. They can not see the forest from the trees, if they could they would recognize their own futility. They would recognize the value in isolation. The only person you can trust is yourself.

It fills me with rage that everyone can not see him for what he is. Sakayanagi is clearly gifted, yet she has some misguided belief that he is more than what he is displaying. Chabashira-sensei has shown blatant favoritism toward him, insinuating that there is some kind of latent talent with him. Just because that gorilla can lift some weight despite his slender athletic physique does not mean that he has any more brain capacity than that of an amoeba.

Then there's that best friend of his. In an unconventional way he is rather handsome. His smile and demeanor are friendly enough but he's unrefined. I've seen that bonobo do all manner of distasteful things in the time that he has been my classmate. He laughs with food in his mouth, makes crass jokes and even resorts to profanity like a simpleton. And yet, he has surprised me.

Within the first week, he noticed things about the school that I had my suspicions about. How he was able to notice anything with that imbecile next to him was beyond me, but I suppose when one is hyper lazy and oblivious, the other would be more attune. However, unfortunately for him, his best friend has rubbed off some of his nature onto him.

He brought up the observations he made only to fold like a tent when there was any form of pushback, lacking any form of courage of his convictions. Between Sakayanagi and Chabashira-sensei rebuking him, it seemed to instill a catalyst for some form of transformation. He seemed to have recognized his shortcomings and made a conscientious effort to work on himself. If only he could do the same for that destitute who sits beside him.

If all of that weren't enough, the other thing that scoundrel had the audacity to pull off was to ask for a seat change on the first day. He should be so lucky that he was fortunate enough to sit beside me, instead he asked to swap with Kushida Kikyo.

Motivated to be lazyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora