Chapter 17

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A/N: Sudo Arc honestly was filler. I used it for character development because this is where my original plan for the story was really going to start. To begin with I was only going to write maybe two chapters to skip through it but ended up doing a lot more to set things up.

It was this arc and the Zodiac arc idea that started this whole story in the first place so I'm excited to see what you guys think about what ends up happening, not a lot of it is going to deviate from my original plan. If you have suggestions though, please feel free. If it fits better than what I had planned I may consider deviating like I have in the past.

While she was playing with me threateningly it didn't take long to realize that Arisu wasn't really trying to reveal anything. It only took seeing her play chess with Horikita the next day without making a single jab or barb in my direction to realize. It seemed she just really wanted to get to know my classmates and see what it was that I saw in them.

While Arisu was getting friendly with Class D there wasn't really anyone that stood out that she would be close enough to consider a friend. The only one she seemed to get close with was Horikita, the two of them being fairly similar people but as Horikita was still very much a loner I had my doubts that there would be a budding friendship blossoming any time soon.

Arisu was on the same page with me now, she understood the risks. The more attention I drew to myself the more of a chance that everything came out. It was as though she knew that it was only a matter of time before it happened so she allowed me my peace while it would last.

Still, I'm very aware that as soon as everything comes out I'm expected to go against her to the best of my abilities. It wouldn't be enough for me to just beat her, if she sensed even in the slightest that I held back, it'd be a repeat of what happened the last time we played chess. If she was going to continue to allow me this indulgence for however long it lasted, I would give her the respect of the challenge she wants.

I really am lucky to have Arisu, I don't think there is anyone on the planet who understands me as well as she does. That's why, no matter what and no matter who I'm with, Arisu will always be my number one priority. Anyone else can come and go but no one will come between her and I.

Still, there was no reason to worry about any of that for the moment. Or so I thought, because not long after there was an announcement on the PA system.

"We will disembark in thirty minutes. Please assemble on the deck. All students should have changed into their jerseys. Make sure to check your designated bag and your luggage, and do not forget your cell phone. Please keep all other personal items in your room. There is a possibility that you will not be able to visit the bathroom for some time, so please do so now."

As soon as I heard I beelined straight for Arisu's room. If we were going to the beach then I needed to make sure that I could get her there safely. I ran into a few people who were chatting excitedly wondering what was happening and thinking they were going to have a nice day on the beach. Ignoring them, I continued to make my way before I got to the door that I was looking for.

After a short knock, I waited for a moment before Arisu opened the door and I stared at her in confusion.

"Why aren't you dressed?" I asked, perplexed.

Arisu hesitated before letting me in and asking for the other girls in the room to leave. They all seemed to know something I didn't and they all quietly left the room only nodding at me in greeting as they passed.

"There's a special examination starting now, it'll begin once they brief you and everyone will be required to stay on the island for seven days. I can't go, so I'm exempt. I will stay here on the boat until the examination is completed."

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