SS King's Gambit

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A/N: Saying wHeN'S tHe NeXt cHaPtEr CoMing! does not work.

That is all.

I was always gifted. From a young age, I was the best. Academics, sports. These things came very easily to me. There were times when I wondered why I bothered putting in any effort at all. I was constantly praised and loved by everyone around me for my gifts that just came naturally. I've never had to work hard for pretty much anything in my entire life.

The adulation evolved into envy and for some, that envy turned to hatred. It never bothered me in the slightest. The ones that adored me and put me on a pedestal far outnumbered the people who wanted nothing more than to see me fail. The more I continued to win and thrive, the more those faces devolved into despair. The more that despair and desperation grew, I suddenly found myself developing a taste for it.

None of that changed when I came to high school. In middle school, most of the people that gave me attention and admiration were girls. When it came to boys, they'd either ride on my coattails or wish death on me with their glares. I can't say that I've ever had any real male friends my entire life.

I've been the instigator of more than one breakup in my time at this school. I never got tired of winning, never got tired of destroying my competition. When I came to this school and realized just what it meant to be placed into Class B, I had never been more insulted in my life. This school had taken my enrollment that I'd blessed them with, looked at me and spit in my face. I remember it like yesterday, watching the Class A students who looked down on us the day that the S-System was revealed. I loathed them, I hated them with a burning passion. I vowed that day that I would ascend, that I'd eviscerate them all. I'd tear them from their thrones at the top of this school and rule over my year like the king I was meant to be.

My lex talionis was biblical. Azuma Ayame was the first to go, an untalented recluse who shied away from people as if they were afflicted by the black plague. Those idiots chalked it up to luck, no one had known that I was the instigator. That expulsion, that one catalyst was the nativity of my journey. While Class A brushed off the loss as if it were nothing, I alone recognized the potential. I noticed that an expulsion had a penalty on Class Points before anyone else.

By the time Class A had realized, too drunk off their status and lethargic by their complacency, we had overthrown them. It was too late for them to fight back, I'd already made deals with the dregs that were left in Class D and Class C. By then there was barely anyone left to oppose me in the lower classes, they ate at the scraps that I dropped on the floor. Desperately begging like swine so that they wouldn't be forced to eat the free vegetable meals in the cafeteria like vagrants. The leaders of Class C and D had already died by my hand, expelled by my will without a second thought.

Now the gap between first and second may as well be a chasm. They're still within striking range but only by the tips of their fingernails. Most of them have already succumbed to their fate, signing memorandums with me and funneling their monthly points at the promise of a ticket to Class A. The only ones left are the stubborn few who still cling to past glories like a withered old man reminiscing on times long gone.

I have my pick of any woman I desire in the second year. There are a select few who are stubborn but they are irrelevant to me. Whether they were interested in me or not, I could care less. Kiryuin being the rare exception, the rest are not worthy of even thinking about. Dates have begun to lose their luster. It's now devolved into an experiment on how badly I can treat them in order to see how much they'll take. Evidently, the answer is quite a lot. Money and status scream the loudest in this school, survival of the fittest at its best.

It's for that reason that things that are easy and attainable are just... boring.

I felt myself wasting away. Even Vice President of the Student Council simply fell into my lap. While building my name, the man I admired approached me. He asked me to serve on the Student Council and I agreed immediately without hesitation. Perhaps here in this place, I'll finally be able to see something challenging. Something that would actually take an effort, something that needed me to work towards something that would make me feel alive.

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