SS There's no such thing as loyalty

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A/N: God this writers block just won't go away, I've been working on this pretty much since that garbage fire Yamauchi SS.

A huge thank you to UAM-19 who designed and made our new cover art for the book. Thank you for offering to do it and making it.

This arc is pretty much finishing up, hopefully the next one will be easier to write. Losing that doc really killed me :'( Regardless, I know you guys have been waiting so I won't keep you any longer. Hopefully the next chapter will be done earlier but then again, Who Knows.

It started with just thinking he was kind of hot, bit of a sarcastic sense of humor and didn't really care about much of anything. That kind of thing is hot for girls, guys like Yamauchi who go panting after you all the time are sickening, girls like the chase just as much as guys do. I intended to be everyone's friend so he was on the list of people to get to know, but it wasn't as much of a chore as it was with the rest, I actually wanted to be close to him.

Then we went to the pool and holy shit he's ripped. I can stare, I'm a girl, it isn't perverted for me, it's appreciation. There are rules that apply to boys that don't apply to girls, things that we get a pass for much like the Ikemen Rankings. If a girl does it it's okay, it's just harmless fun and girl chat. If a guy does it... well that's disgusting, they should just die. Well, unless they're hot then I guess it's kind of okay?

God this island is destroying my mind. I haven't had any form of release for the whole time we've been here. Everyone is always around me, I just want them all the back the hell off. I have to keep up the act though so I keep on smiling, listening to all of them complain about the exam and how stressful it is and I give them cheers to hang in there and do their best. My mind is slipping though, more than once I have done things that are beyond risky that I normally wouldn't do if I was at equilibrium.

Just about everyone in Class D is losing their minds, the effects of being in a challenging environment are really starting to show. It isn't as though it has been thoroughly unbearable, we've been pretty frugal with our points. The biggest problem is the food, while we have had enough to eat we aren't exactly eating our fill. The boys have been doing their best to catch fish but we barely have enough to go around for meals. Lately our diet has consisted almost completely of berries, corn, cabbages and potatoes. We've been making do but good lord I want some meat. Something bloody... oh God I want rice too. Maybe some cake or ice cream... Shit, I hate this floating rock.

I've kept in touch with my friends from other classes and I can't help but feel envious of them. Class B and C are really comfortable, they've spent all their points and have been able to eat and play to their heart's content; a real summer vacation. Class A has been getting regular meal sets as well, they're balancing the test and their well-being well from what I could see. In our class the only one who seems to be doing well is Koenji, he's bored and he's a narcissistic bastard but I have to give credit where it's due, the guy is a machine. It's probably the only miscalculation he's made so far, most of the members of Class D don't have the mental fortitude to only keep with minor comforts even if it is only temporary.

I don't really have time to be concerned with the rest of these sheep though, I'm scared. Ayanokouji-kun has somehow figured me out. I want to believe him that he doesn't know anything but he's become friends with that bitch Horikita and God only knows what she's told him. I don't want to have to get him expelled, but I will if I have to.

I was one of the people who bet on the pool that he would end up with Matsuo-kun. It wasn't as bad of a bet as you'd think, I've been trying to screw him for weeks now and he's continually rebuffed me. At the time the only logical thing that could come to my mind is that he's gay, I'm not stupid. I know that guys want me and I know that there are plenty of boys who'd kill to be in his position. I'm pretty sure there are dirty socks or tissues being thrown away every night that I'm responsible for. Disgusting. It's not the same for boys and girls but I can explain later.

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