Chapter 21

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A/N: The story has broken 100k words in the last chapter. I never thought I would have started anything like this, it's a great milestone. Thank you for being a part of it ^^

When I decided that I was going to make Arisu happy today, I already knew what I was going to do. I had so much to be grateful for, she sacrificed almost everything since we had come to this school and I had done nothing. So I decided that today I was going to give her the one thing she wanted most. The one thing she wanted that only I could give her.

Which is why at the moment despite myself I was excited. After convincing Katsuragi to part with five more points, I was on my way to the ship to pick up my purchase. I couldn't wait for the delivery at the evening roll call, it'd have to be now. So instead of waiting I decided to do some work and go pick it up myself alongside Eiichiro.

It was surprisingly easy to ask Katsuragi for what I needed and there was a small part of me that felt bad that I had rejected his application to the council. If Manabu at the time had allowed for both to join, I wouldn't have cared. They could have both joined and everything would be fine. But after this exam, I was planning to have a conversation with the smirking bastard to put him in one of the representative roles.

I liked him, he was alright. I don't like many of the Class A students save for Kamuro and Hashimoto because they look after Arisu but I haven't spoken to them much if anything at all. Simple greetings of hello and goodbye at best but Kamuro looks like she'd be fun at parties and Hashimoto seems a little weird, but I'm in no position to judge. Have you seen my friends?

I like Katsuragi though, we have similarities. When I asked for the points, I learned a lot more about the stoic guy and it was unexpected. I thought that I'd dislike someone that Arisu hated but I was surprised to find that he wasn't that bad.

"You're here early," Katsuragi noted when he came to us at the treeline.

Arisu was slumped forward on my back with her face burrowed into the side of my neck. It was one of the things that most don't know about her. Arisu was not a morning person. My little sister always needed caffeine to turn into a normal functioning human being in the mornings, it was like I was carrying a corpse just waiting for life to be breathed into it.

Unfortunately, that was a drug that Class D did not have the luxury of having at the moment, but one that Class A seemed to have indulged themselves with. As though he were some sort of esper, Hashimoto had come down from the cave with said divine liquid known as coffee to bring to Arisu who just took it from him with a grunt.

"I was hoping to talk to you before I had to head back, do you have a minute?" I asked.

"Of course, lead the way," Katsuragi nodded.

Hashimoto took the cup back from Arisu so I could put her down. She was back on her feet with her cane in her hand but before I could head off Hashimoto stopped me.

"Thanks for doing all this, before you go do you want some coffee or something to eat?" Hashimoto asked me.

Totsuka wasn't pleased, from what I could tell he wasn't very happy with the arrangement but kept his mouth shut only because Katsuragi told him to. Still, the mention of giving me anything was enough to make him crack.

"We're not giving him anything, Hashimoto. This is an exam, if he's too stupid to give us an advantage by carting Sakayanagi around between camps to give us points like a donkey he can suffer for it!" Totsuka spat.

I was getting sick of this idiot. He was like the Class A version of Yamauchi except he had his mouth firmly attached to Katsuragi's ass like a real life version of the human centipede. I was ready to grab onto him when I felt a tiny hand tug on my wrist.

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