SS The worth of a soul

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Thanks to Zook again for reading over this and editing. It's always nice to get opinions before the upload to make sure it's as good as it's going to get and the people who read over the chapters before the upload do it without asking for anything in return.

Regardless... Enjoy!

"You once told me that you'd sell your soul to reach Class A. The question is, Chabashira-sensei, would you sell mine?"

That little brat. Why would he ask me something like that?

I was surprised when he told me that he had all the names of all the VIP's. I shouldn't have been, I know that he's a generational talent. It's why I wasn't shocked at all when nine names were submitted and they were all correct; Class D had submitted every single name. It was exactly what I was hoping for.

Never in my life had I got what I hoped for and felt so... Empty. Ashamed. Embarrassed.

It's why I was completely discombobulated when another three names were submitted. In mere hours, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka had finished the Zodiac Special Test after only the first meeting. I was curious, had he given the names to Class A to benefit his sister? Perhaps he had given them to his girlfriend in Class B.

Instead, when we looked over the submitted names, I could see that Class C had submitted the incorrect names. A cleansweep for my students and not only that, we were now Class C. I couldn't move, I barely remembered to breathe. When the exam had ended on the island, I asked him to take over the class and that the gap was widening to a degree that we'd never be able to come back from.

In one exam, he had completely bridged the gap and we were now within striking range.

But at what cost?

I read over the results once more and then where the current standings would be after the results were announced.

Class A - 854

Class B - 651

Class D - 600

Class C - 442

The half empty glass of whiskey that I was sipping was becoming far too diluted. Instead, I motioned the bartender to pour me another and continued to sit in contemplative silence. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka has had a torturous life, suffered far more than any human being should have to suffer. He was happy now, with a beautiful girlfriend and friends who adored him. I could leave him now, he'd done more than enough just to bridge the gap. I could let him live a normal life.

It was so early on in their tenure at this school. Just as the tides had turned in our favor in just one exam, all of that could be gone in another instance. I wanted to let him be, let him be a child. I wanted to be nurturing. I wanted to do the right thing.

Despite all of this... I wanted them to get to Class A more, so much more.

A lifetime of regrets is something that can't be denied, it's something that can not be let go after three months. No matter how fond I've grown of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, I simply can not bring myself to let that goal go. Especially now that I have someone who is probably the most capable I'll ever have. There will NEVER be another opportunity like this.

"Well, well, well... I was expecting celebratory drinks. Not something boring like whiskey. Where are the Pina Coladas and party poppers?" Hoshinomiya joked while poking me in the ribs.

I couldn't help but grimace and swatted at her hand as soon after Sakagami and Mashima both entered the rooftop bar. I didn't want a social gathering but this was the only bar and Hoshinomiya was a notorious drunkard.

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