Chapter 9

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A/N: Something that happens in this chapter that was inspired by an event in another fic called True Elites. Anyone who has read it before will notice it right away and I'm not one to not give credit where it's due. I'm honestly also really glad that everyone seems to be enjoying the story and the characters that I've been building. Before I used to reply to every comment that I could as they came up but right now there are so many notifications that it's difficult to keep up. Please know I do read all of them and your feedback is really appreciated, even if it's negative.

As always, thanks to my beta reader Inferno3054 

"Hello stranger,"

Pausing for a moment as I was just about to put the chopsticks to my lips, I could already feel that this was going to be yet another troublesome moment with another troublesome woman.

"Asahina-senpai, please feel free to join us,"

Asahina sat down with a huff crossing her arms and glaring at me with her legs crossed. I continued to eat without acknowledging her.

"That's all you have to say to me?"

"What else would you like me to say, senpai? Since coming to this school, I've got used to having women angry with me, I'm a little desensitized to it now," I offered calmly.

"You ask me for a favor, I delivered. You don't even thank me afterward, you joined the student council as Vice President and didn't even tell me about it. Chose Honami as Secretary and didn't even ask if I wanted the position or tell me you chose her. Do I need to continue? Or are you getting the pattern here, I'm surprised you even remembered my name."

In my defense, I really had a lot on my plate. I'm not even talking about being lazy, or that my meal had only just started. I really meant that there was a lot going on at the moment.

Arisu really was dead set on not speaking to me. Everytime we crossed paths, she didn't even look at me. Sure, I could have just picked her up and threw her over my shoulder, what was she going to do, run away? But I knew that in that frail legged body, there was a secret.

Demonic hand and arm strength. She was far too proud to use a wheelchair, even crutches would have been a better option. Instead she forced herself to use a cane, almost exclusively with her right hand. All of that pent up strength meant a right hook that came straight from hell. I wasn't about to experience that on a normal day, let alone with a thoroughly pissed off little sister. That wasn't even her worst weapon, if those slender fingers got a hold of your ear you may as well kiss it goodbye.

There was also Horikita, who seemed to be even more hellbent on trying to find out why Manabu and I had become acquainted. There was never a moment in class where those red eyes were not boring a hole straight into the back of my skull. One day, annoyed with the constant stare, I turned around and blew her a kiss. She glared at me while stroking that compass like it was a loving partner. It was creepy beyond belief.

I listened to the same material that I'd already learnt as a child, day in and day out. It was a real test of mental strength and concentration. In support of Eiichiro, I paid attention to the best of my ability in class but it was really difficult. It was a blessing that I had an eidetic memory as I reread previous volumes of JoJo's Bizarre Adventures in my mind most of the time.

Finally there was Eiichiro. That bastard Manabu, he was right about him having less time for me. We're behind four episodes on Jujutsu Kaisen, FOUR. I needed better friends who had their priorities in order.

"Senpai," I said apologetically. I put my chopsticks down and took her hand leaning forward. "I'm really sorry. I really am a horrible Kohai, what can I do to make you forgive me?"

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