Chapter 32

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Walking on the deck with Honami holding my hand would normally be a great thing that I'd thoroughly enjoy. Having her cling to my arm like a koala as we walk toward the meeting spot for Class D would be a sight I'd be proud of. Under normal circumstances, the glances and looks that I'm receiving would be ones of pure jealousy from boys. Girls would probably be looking at Honami in much the same way.

Instead the pair of us are being eyed curiously, no doubt what happened in the Rabbit group really was a strategy used by the rest of Class C. It was rather brilliant of Ryuen, I must say I'm quite impressed.

Ryuen has picked the perfect special test to trap me, I have no way out. It's another rather ingenious strategy of his. While everyone focuses their attention on me, he can work on trying to figure out the code on how the VIP is selected. Even if their focus isn't solely on me, it's enough of a distraction to prevent the classes from putting everything behind cracking the code.

It also works as an information gatherer for him, while everyone discusses different things they've noticed about me, the information gets filtered back to him. I can't leave the meetings or not attend, I also can't submit the names of the groups to prevent the rumors from spreading. If I do then the rumors get worse.

The first meeting was very bland and basic, it was purposeful that I was brought up specifically at the end of the meeting. It kept everything fresh in everyone's minds as they left, it also obscured just how much information Ryuen had. If this was everything, then it would be a pressure test to see whether or not I'd crack before he was forced to reveal another card.

I've made an error in my laziness, Eiichiro's fear of him was warranted. While I have nothing to be afraid of, for someone like Eiichiro it was understandable.

Still, Ryuen is not one to enjoy his machinations in obscurity. He enjoys torturing people and taunting them. It isn't enough to know, he has to see. He has to be a part of it, quite sadistic I must say.

"Kiyotaka, are you going to be okay?"

Honami was visibly incredibly worried. There wasn't anything to worry about and I wasn't concerned in the slightest. What was there to panic about? What does it change? If Ryuen really has information on me then giving him the satisfaction of a reaction does nothing.

I never had any illusions that my secret would last forever, I knew that more than likely my cover was going to be blown eventually. Particularly when I decided that I was going to start participating. If I compete, I win. It'll be difficult to stay hidden in the shadows, especially with what I was working with in Class D.

I just wanted one special test where I could pull the strings and try to stay obscure. It would seem that it wouldn't be possible but I wasn't disappointed. I had the chance to do it on the island but didn't, this is my karma. I've been given everything I could want since coming to this school so there really isn't any reason to be ungrateful.

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"Aren't you worried?"

"If I say I am, will I get a kiss to calm me down?"

Honami smacked me on the arm, cheeks slightly pink as she pouted at my teasing.

"How can you joke about something like that at a time like this?" Honami asked as she chastised me.

"Who's joking?" I asked coyly.

"Be serious! When did you become such a pervert? You have bigger things to worry about than... practice."

I couldn't help but smile, at least my plan was working. I didn't want her to worry, there was no need. For one thing it wouldn't achieve anything and for another there was nothing to worry about. Everyday was another day that someone could accidentally or purposefully type my name into a search engine and the cat was out of the bag. Even if that did happen, so what?

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