Ch. 4: Things are going Swimmingly

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"Well, here we are." Luz said.

"Good, if anyone can fix this, it should be Edalyn."

Odalia picked Luz up and held her in her arms as she got out of the Abomitron cart and walked to the door.

"Hoot! Who goes there?" Hooty asked, not familiar with Odalia.

"It's alright, Hooty. She's a friend!" Luz quickly said, making Hooty stretch himself to her!

"LUZ?! Is that you!? What hooting happened?!" He asked in shock!

"There was a small accident with the assignment. We're hoping that Eda could help." Luz said.

"And we would like to see her quickly, if that's fine. We need to know how long this will last." Odalia said to him.

"I'll get Eda immediately!" Hooty said as he stretched upstairs to Eda's room! "EDA! Get downstairs now!"

Odalia and Luz looked at each other as they heard something... probably Eda, fall down the stairs.

"S-s-she's not usually like this." Luz said.

"We both know that's a lie." Odalia said.


Deciding to just walk into the house, Odalia opened the door and shut it as she looked around the interior of the house.

"...This cannot be the décor Edalyn chooses to have." Odalia commented, especially at the large, wanted poster of Eda hung in the wall.

"Welcome to the Owl House!" Luz said, "Where every weirdo is welcome!"

Luz was stunned as Odalia... chuckled. Not a fake one, a real chuckle.

"That certain fits well." Odalia said as she held a hand over her mouth. "You should get that trademarked."

"I've been working on it." Luz said, "Trademarks are very hard to get processed here."

"Welcome to the world of business." Odalia said as Eda came in, stumbling from the fall and fully dressed.

"Ugh, I am never drinking that much apple blood again." Eda said, rubbing her head.

"Hello, Edalyn, I believe this adorable animal is yours?" Odalia said, holding out Luz.

"Hi, Eda." Luz said, waving her paw at Eda.

Eda took Luz and put her in a tank filled with water.

"There, swim while the adults talk." Eda said.

"Hey! This involves me too! And Amity!" Luz said but she couldn't resist the urge to swim as she dove into the water!

Eda walked Odalia out of earshot.

"I don't know how to fix this."

"What?!" Odalia asked in a low town, so Luz didn't her them. "You can't fix them?"

"I'm sorry but I've never faced something like this before, this is entirely new grounds for me. I know someone in the Beast Keeping Coven that I could ask but it'll take some time to contact them." Eda said, looking back to Luz as she was laying in her back in the tank. "Until then, we have to keep the kids calm. With any luck, my source will say this will wear off gradually."

"And if it doesn't wear off?"

"Do NOT think of that. It will wear off. You wouldn't want to disappoint your daughter by telling her she can't become a witch again, would you?" Eda asked as she narrowed her eyes at Odalia. "How can she become a powerful witch or a coven leader if she stuck like a cat?"

'Though Luz did tell me of a kid named Barcus, I do not want my apprentice to be stuck as a little human world otter.' Eda thought.

"I suppose I should get Mittens to the groomer, if she's going to be like this for a while, she should at least get a flea bath." Odalia said.

"Speaking of which, I should get Luz a collar for that. Though she may be against it." Eda said as they looked back to Luz swimming with glee.

She even had a little song to go with it.

"I'm swimming. I am swimming. I am swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming. Luz the Otter is here and swimming." Luz sang before she jumped in the air with a flip!

"What do earth otters eat? I highly doubt they enjoy the souls of the damned." Eda said.

"You know Earth otters might have different diets, so you may need a backup." Odalia said, walking to the door, "I have a few nature books from the Human Realm that made their way here, I'll see if I can find them. "I'll see you around Edalyn. It was... nice to see you again."

" was nice to see you again too, greenie." Eda said.

Odalia groaned at this nickname but held a small smirk as she opened the door.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that." Odalia said as she walked out of the house.

"Eh, since when do I listen to people?" Eda asked.

Eda closed the door behind Odalia and turned back to Luz, seeing her floating carelessly on her back.

"Eda do you have any peanuts or seashells?" Luz asked as King came into the room, seeing Luz in the tank. "Hi, King."

"...Why does that otter sound like Luz?" King asked Eda.

"Because that is Luz." Eda said, "It's a bit of a story."

"What kind of story?" King asked.

"An accident, a cute accident!" Luz said as she held the edge.

"Titan you can find the best in every situation." Eda said.

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