Ch. 8: Fighting Your Instincts

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Odalia went into the kitchen, not many know about it, but she was a wonderful cook. A little hidden talent of hers, one of the many secrets she has. She knew she was almost professional level, but she preferred to rule the through business and not through food.

"Now, let's see what see what I could make tonight." She said, pulling a cookbook out.

Now she had to take into account of Amity new palette as a cat, but it didn't seem so bad since there were plenty of foods that cats can eat like Witches.

"Perhaps something involving fish. Or maybe something with chicken." Odalia said as she rolled up her sleeves and put on a smock. Well, time to get cooking. It's been a few years, let's see how rusty I am."

In the litter box room, Emira was cleaning it out while Amity sat on a shelf above her.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Emira asked.

"Very much so, yes." Amity said with a Cheshire smile on her face. "All the crap I've had to deal with for years because you and Ed, now you have to deal with my crap.... LITERALLY."

A small red dot appeared in the floor and Amity was focused on it. Edric, holding a laser pointer he got from Eda, laughed.

"Let's see if you feel that way after this." Edric said as he moved the dot around, making Amity follow it.

Amity pounced on it and then pounced on it when it moved. A part of her mind was telling her to stop going after the red dot, telling her she would never catch it but her new kitten instincts were telling her to chase it! She wanted to catch it and keep it! Edric pointed it at Emira's back, she was too focused on cleaning the litter box to notice, but Amity did.

'This will not end well.' Amity thought as she jumped towards Emira's back, her claws out to catch the dot!

Emira screamed as Amity pounced on her.

"Mittens, get off me!" Emira shouted as she stood up, reaching for her feline sibling as she dug her claws into Emira's back!

Emira pulled Amity off of her and looked at her.

"Uh... meow?"

Emira glared at her little sister a bit before hearing the sound and laughter, turning to see Edric in the doorway with a laser pointer in his hand. Emira put Amity down with fury in her eyes. Amity ran out of the room and into the kitchen, not wanting to see what Emira is capable of.

"Edric..." She said as Edric stopped laugh, seeing Emira glaring at him.

"S-s-sorry, but... your back was turned, how could I resist?"

Emira glared harder at him, making Edric shake in fear as she slowly walked towards him.

'RUN!' Edric thought as he took off running, knowing how bad things her when his twin is mad!


"AAAAAAAHHH!" Edric screamed as he ran for his life!

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Amity was hiding on top of the fridge with her paws on her ears. She felt sort of sorry for her brother, but she wanted to live to see tomorrow.

"Mittens, do you mind moving a little so I can access the freezer?" Odalia asked.

Amity shuffled a bit back, making little effort to move completely. Odalia sighed before reaching up and gently picking up Amity.

"I know you fear your sister's anger, but you have to face it someday." Odalia said as she held Amity in one arm and opened the freezer with the other.

"S-s-she can't legally do anything to me like this, right?" Amity asked.

Odalia grabbed a fish she bought the other say and closed the door.

"I don't know, but don't worry, I won't let her hurt you."

Amity stayed quiet, thinking about something.

"Why are you being so nice?"

Odalia expected this question as she set the fish in the counter and held her cat-fied daughter up to her face.

"Because after seeing you defend that human and having a talk with Alador, I realize how much of a terrible mother I've been to you." Odalia said with a frown, "I know I probably will never be able to make it up to you, but I can start by being better."

"...Well, you know the old saying, "it's never too late for a fresh start."" Amity said with a small smile to her mother, actually feeling the sincerity of her words.

Odalia put Amity on the counter, far from the food, and gave her a few strokes down the back.

"I think it goes without saying that you can't talk tomorrow at the vet, and you'll be placed into a cat carrier." Odalia said.

Amity opened her eyes in realization, once again hating a downside of being a cat!

"Titan dang it." Amity mumbled.

"It'll just be an hour." Odalia said.

"The longest hour of my life. I don't even like going to the regular healing ward, so going to a vet can only be worse." Amity guessed.

"I don't know, they give you treats at the vet." Odalia said.

"I refuse to eat cat treats! That is where I draw the line!" Amity said, standing up on all fours!

"I don't know, Mittens. Your body might not agree with you and accept them anyway." Odalia said as she began working in the fish, deboning it.

"Nope, I refu-"

Odalia placed a cat treat on the table and Amity almost immediately ate it.

"I hate to do that, but it proved my point." Odalia said.

"Dmmn ut!" Amity said with a full mouth before swallowing the treat.

Odalia kissed Amity on top of her head and patted her.

"Don't worry, Mittens. It won't be as bad as you think. They'll just be doing a simple checkup to see if you're healthy." Odalia said to her.

"I hope so." Amity grumbled, before shyly asking, "Do you... have more treats?"

Odalia giggled at bit as she pulled out a few more from a cabinet nearby.

"Just a few more but that's it. No spoiling your dinner." Odalia said to Amity.

Amity looked embarrassed, but they were good. Odalia gave her a couple treats and then went back to working on dinner. Amity jumped down and started rubbing against Odalia's leg, purring loudly.

'I don't know whether to find this cute or worrying.' Odalia thought.

In the end, she found it cute.

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