Ch. 16: Lunchtime Rubdown

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Luz woke up and climbed out of her pond. She shook her fur dry and went over to Amity. She jumped on the pillow and went to nuzzle Amity to wake her. Amity opened her eyes and saw Luz.

"What are you doing?" Amity asked, still tired.

"Giving you a little wake up call. I figured you had a long enough nap." Luz said with an innocent smile.

Amity pouted, which made Luz chirp. She was adorable.

"I told you cats sleep an average of 16-20 hours, but I suppose you're right, this nap has been enough." Amity said as she stood up on the pillow.

She stretched and yawned.

"What time is it?" Amity asked.

"Let me check." Luz said as she went to her phone, right next to her sleeping bag. "It's about 11:50am, almost lunch time."

"Great, let's go downstairs." Amity said.

Leading the way, Amity had Luz follow her downstairs as they jumped down from step to step at a reasonable pace.

"Hey Kids, I hope you're hungry." Eda said

Eda could surprisingly hear them coming down the steps and had lunch almost ready for them.

"Yep!" Luz said.

"What are we having?" Amity asked as she and Luz walked into the kitchen.

Amity found it rather easy to jump up on the island in the middle of the kitchen while Luz had to climb.

"Something you'll both like." Eda said, "Fish."

Eda put a bowl of raw fish in between them. The smell of raw fish made both the animals immediately start eating.

"I thought you'd want it fried but I thought raw was good for you two." Eda said as she was cooking up her own fish.

The two didn't respond as they were trying to pull a fish apart. They didn't know they were currently fighting over the same fish but neither of them wanted to stop as they were so hungry.

"An otter and a cat, fighting over one fish while there's at least a dozen in the bowl." Eda said, "I'm recording this."

Once again, Eda found herself recording the cuteness to post as she recalled the first video she posted of Luz fighting a fish in the sink. 55,000 views.

'Just imagine how much this one will get.' Eda thought.

The two pulled the fish in half and started to eat their own respective pieces.

'Bit much of a fight like last time but still good.' Eda thought.

Luz walked over and started to nuzzle against Amity.

This made Amity stop eating, nuzzling Luz back with a purr before they began eating together.

'First they fight, then they love? Jackpot!' Eda thought as her recoding was posted.

Eda walked over to them and rubbed them behind the ears.

"You two are just the cutest little witches." Eda said to them.

They rolled onto their backs and looked at Eda, expecting belly rubs.

"KING DEMANDS BELLY RUBS TOO!" King shouted, watching the display from the kitchen before he ran in and demanded attention.

Eda rolled her eyes but gave belly rubs to the three of them.

'The things I do to keep cute creature happy.' Eda thought with a guilty smile.

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