Ch. 23: Sisters

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At Blight Manor, Amity got up and stretched.

"That was the best nap I've had in a while." Amity said to herself.

She jumped off the bed and looked at the closed door.

"And I'm stuck in my room. Great." Amity said, "Good thing Mom put a litter box in here."

Moving to her litter box, Amity sniffed the fresh litter before she found the perfect spot and began doing her business.

When she was done, she went back to the door.

"Now, how do I open this?" She asked, as she was too small to reach the handle, "Luz said adult cats meow to get attention."

Amity started to meow loudly and scratched the door.

'Please let someone be in the other side.' Amity thought as she kept meowing.

The nob started to turn and Emira opened.

"Mittens? Why are you meowing so much?" Emira asked her.

"I wanted to get out of my room, so I had to get your attention." Amity said as she walked past Emira.

"Then why didn't you use your scroll?" Emira asked her.

"Because it was charging." Amity said.

'I didn't think of that.' Amity thought.

Emira rolled her eyes and picked Amity up.

"Come on, Mittens, let's get you some food."

Amity let herself be carried to the kitchen where the cat food was stored, though she did hope for normal food instead.

'The cat food is good, but I don't want to get used to it.' Amity thought.

Emira started to scratch Amity's ears, making the cat purr.

'So cute. I will miss this so much when Mittens is turned back to normal.' Emira thought as they arrived in the kitchen.

"Alright, the Emira Taxi has reached your destination." Emira said, putting Amity down.

"Thank you and what do I owe?" Amity asked, playing along.

"You get to pay... in belly rubs."

Emira got Amity onto her back and started to rub Amity's belly. Amity smiled as she purred from the belly rubs, finding them very good on her hungry stomach.

"You're such a good kitty, Mittens."

"I know." Amity moaned out.

Emira laughed and rubbed Amity's ear. Amity purred even louder before her stomach growled louder than that, making Emira stop her rubs as Amity blushed.

"Well, someone must be hungrier than I thought." Emira said with a smirk.

Amity looked away, causing Emira to chuckle.

"Let's get you some food." Emira said as she went to get a cat dish for Amity.

Amity started to lick her paw and used it to clean her head.

"You know, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this whole cat thing."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Emira asked.

"Yes." Amity answered.

Emira put food in front of Amity and scratched her back.

"That it's a good thing or a bad thing?" Emira asked again.

"Yes. It's either." Amity said as she began eating.

Emira sat down and watched Amity eat.

"You look really cute as a little kitty." Emira said.

"That's right I am." Amity said with some pride as she ate.

Emira smiled at her.

"Amity, what are you going to do if you don't turn back?"

Amity stopped mid bite as that thought had come to mind, it had been on her mind for some time now.

"Then....I try to live my life as best as I can. Luz and I aren't that different from a dual student named "Barcus." If he can make this work, I suppose we can try." Amity said.

"But Barcus was born like that." Emira said.

Amity looked down.

"I don't know, Emira. I don't know what I'm going to do."

Amity thought she could live like this but truthfully, it was such a drastic change, she didn't know how to fully comprehend it.

"I just... I'm scared."

Emira kissed the top of Amity's head.

"Don't worry. Whatever happens, you're still my baby sister."

"I know." Amity said as she smiled a bit.

Amity purred and rubbed against Emira's stomach.

"And you still have Luz, as long as you two are together, you'll be fine." Emira said to her.

"Thanks Em."

The two siblings stayed in the kitchen, having a meal together as Emira decided to have some food herself.

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