Ch. 19: Feline Fine

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Walking into the manor, Odalia and Amity were met with the twins in the den. Both were looking over something on the crystal ball until they saw their mother had returned with their sibling/new pet.

"Mittens is back!"

They got up and took Amity from Odalia, much to Amity's confusion.

"" Amity questioned.

She noticed the costume in Edric's hand and tried to get out of their grip but failed. Later, Amity was in a pink dress and small crown while her father looked at her.

"I'm going to cough up a hairball in their rooms."

The twins thought whatever Amity was going to do would be worth it as their father kneeled before Amity with wide eyes full of life.

"Incredible." He said, scratching Amity's ear.

Amity meowed from the scratching, smiling and purring from the scratch.

"And is this... permanent?"

"No, mom and Eda say it's only temporary, but they don't know when it will wear off." Amity said to her father.

"And until then, you're a cute little creature?" Alador said to her.


Alador rubbed Amity's chin, making the purple kitten purr.

'So cute!' Alador thought with wide eyes!

"Al, honey, leave her alone for a while, she needs to eat." Odalia said, holding a bowl of cat food.

"Cat food?" Amity said before she caught a whiff, liking it. "I hate that it smells good."

Amity started eating it.

"Hmm, so as she turned into a cat, her eating habits changed to that of a cat as well." Alador said.

"She always naps like a cat too." Odalia added, "I fear her mind might start to be lost if she doesn't turn back."

"Come on, mom! Amity is too stubborn to go full cat." Emira said.

"Yeah! She's gonna stay the same old Amity, no matter what species she is." Edric said with a nod.

Odalia looked at Amity, who was licking her leg.

"I don't know. She acts like one more each day."

"Well, there has to be a way to fix this, isn't there? Without waiting?" Alador questioned.

"I came up with a theory, but I don't know how to make it happen." Odalia said.

Ghost noticed Amity eating and went over. She nuzzled against Amity side.

"Awe! So cute!" Emira said!

Ghost started licking Amity's head.

"They're like a mother cat and her kitten!" Edric added as he took a picture. "I am so posting this!"

Odalia couldn't help but feel jealous of that statement. It gave her an idea.

"Hmmm." She hummed as she left the room.

She's tried an old shapeshifting spell to turn Amity back, it didn't work. But she could always use it on herself.

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