Ch. 17: Sharing Thoughts

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At Blight Manor, Lilith and Odalia were looking for several books. They had spent hour researching transformation magic, long term and short term, to try and find a loop hole in Luz's and Amity's transformations.

"I have looked through four books, front to back, cover to cover... nothing." Odalia said.

"My search hasn't been as fruitful either." Lilith revealed.

"How about we drop the fancy language and just admit it." Odalia said, "We're fucked."

Lilith let out a sigh as she leaned her head over the chair.

"Yes, we're so fucked. We're going to have to wait until the children turn back on their own, however long that takes." Lilith said.

"What if... they never turn back?"

"They will. They have to." Lilith said, not wanting to give up hope just yet.

"But what if they don't?" Odalia said, "Let's be honest, Lilith, there's no telling that they'll ever return to normal again."

"But that's no reason to give up on your own daughter." Lilith said.

"I'm not giving up on her, I'm just... trying to think about what to do if they don't turn back."

"Okay then.....what will we do if they can't turn back? They're not going to stop being witches just because their animals. And how will we explain this to Principal Bump?" Lilith asked her.

"I don't know." Odalia said, "For the first time in my life I generally don't know what to do."

This was something entirely new for Odalia, she had her whole life planned ever since she was a child. Sure, there were bumps and changes but nothing like this before! How could one plan for her daughter and their girlfriend being turned into small animals?! Lilith put her hands on Odalia's arms.

"Everything will be fine."

"Why is that?" Odalia asked.

"Faith." Lilith said to her.

Odalia put a hand on one of Lilith's.

"Thank you."

The two witches smiled to each other, glad to have a friend to help them in this time of crisis.

Odalia looked at a clock and sighed.

"I'm going to have to pick up Amity in couple hours." Odalia said.

"I'll come with you. I need to talk to Edalyn myself."

'Maybe she found a cure.' Lilith thought before a notification popped up on her scroll.

Looking at her scroll, Lilith found a new video notification from Eda's Penstagram account.

"You have to see this."

Lilith handed over the scroll. Odalia took the scroll and played the video sent to her, seeing it was about Luz and Amity having lunch but fighting over a fish before it broke. Then Luz went over to "make up" with her girlfriend and they snuggled together at the end.

"Do you think Mittens will be mad if I make a marriage contract for them?"

"I don't know but I don't think she will deny it." Lilith said as she looked at the comments.

"I love how everyone thinks they're just normal animals. Look at these comments, everyone wants and otter and cat now."

"They don't know it's a human world otter, so that might be difficult." Odalia said.

"Yeah, they could ask your mother what it's like getting near one." Lilith said.

Fun fact, Odalia's family is the only one known to actually have tamed an otter and live... her mom lost a hand but she lived!

"Very true." Odalia said, stifling her laughter.

Lilith didn't hold back her laughter before they decided to put all of the books back and leave the library. Odalia couldn't get it out of her mind. What if they don't turn back? What will happen then?

'They could still go to Hexside, I remember seeing another animal like student attending. And they can still use magic but what about the family lineage? Edric and Emira are still normal but Amity had such a bright future with Luz? Could they still be happy as animals?' Odalia thought.

'Would they still live as long as a normal witch, or would they have to same lifetime as their respective animals?'

If anything, their animal bodies have at most, 20 years! They would only get to life half of their lives!

"Odalia? Are you okay?" Lilith asked.

Odalia was taken out of her thought as she looked to Lilith, seeing the look on her face.

"Just... thinking."

Lilith could sense something heavy was weighing in her mind but didn't push it. She already has a feeling she knew what Odalia was worrying about.

"Well, come. Follow me. I know a tea that can help calm nerves." Lilith said.

Odalia didn't reply as she followed with brisk haste. Some tea did sound lovely to take her mind off of things.

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