Ch. 28: Reunited

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Odalia knocked on the door and Elizabeth Triplet answered it.

"Elizabeth, it's been too long. Sorry to show up unannounced, but I figured I would introduce you to my new cat, Mittens." Odaila said.

"You always knew I could never resist an adorable animal." Elizabeth said, "Come in, how're the kids?"

"They're doing well." Odalia said as she walked into the house with Elizabeth closing the door behind her.

Odaila put the cat carrier on the ground and opened it.

"Come on out, Mittens." Odalia said.

Amity walked out, putting on the cutest eyes she could.


Elizabeth cooed at the small, magenta kitty before she scooped up Mittens and cuddled with the kitty to her face.

"Oh, aren't you just the cutest kitten I've ever seen!" Elizabeth said as Amity didn't scratch her.

Amity stuck her tongue out a little and purred, making herself look even cuter. Amity licked Elizabeth on the cheek, making Elizabeth start 'baby talking' Amity.

"Who's a wittle cutie? Is it you? Yes, it is."

'This is working a bit too well.' Odalia thought as she watched her old friend treat her transformed daughter like a little baby.

"Come Elizabeth, let's catch up a little, it's been a long time since we just spoke." Odalia said.

Elizabeth put Amity down and went to the couch to talk with her old friend. Amity sneakily walked out of the room.

'Now to find Luz.' Amity thought.

Heading through the mansion, Amity made her way to Boscha's room in hopes of finding Luz there. Indeed she did, finding Luz inside a cage with Boscha cooing over her.

"Who's the cutest little human world creature? You are. Yes, you are." Boscha said as she used levitation magic to play ball with Luz.

Luz just looked at Boscha, wanting to bite her.

'You're lucky I am inside of a cage.' Luz thought, angry at Boscha for kidnapping her in her sleep and bringing her here.

The only reason Luz was playing with her was to maintain the cover of just being an animal, that way she could find a way to escape once Boscha goes to sleep tonight.


Luz and Boscha looked and saw Amity.

'Amity!' Luz thought with a smile, putting her paws against the cage.

"A cat?" Boscha asked as she got up and moved to gently pick it up. "When did we get a cat? Hmm, Mittens, huh? You must be Mrs. Blight's cat."

'More than you think, you three eyed thief.' Amity thought before putting in the cute act she gave Elizabeth.

"Meow." Amity said before purring in Boscha's arms, nuzzling against her hands.

"Awe, you're pretty cute." Boscha said.

Boscha scratched Amity behind the ears as she brought her to the bed and showed her Luz.

"Look, Otto! We have a little play mate here to see you." Boscha said. "Say hi to Mittens."

'Otto?' Amity thought with raised brow, 'Geez, how long did it take to come up with that ridiculous name?'

'A part of me is glad she didn't check my gender.' Luz thought as Boscha set Amity on the bed before the cage.

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