Ch. 27: The Hunt Begins

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Emira heard her mom and began to panic.

"Who?!" Emira asked in shock!

"Luz!" Odalia said as she listened to a panicking Eda!

"I don't know what happened! I just went to bed last night, I let them sleep on the couch, and when I woke up to check on them, LUZ WAS GONE! And that's not even the worse part as Amity is FREAKING OUT! And tearing apart the house looking fro her!" Eda said.

"We'll be right there." Odaila said, hanging the call up, "Emira, get your brother and father and the three of you meet me outside."

"Got it, mom!" Emira said as she rushed off to find her brother and father.

Outside, Odalia was waiting.

"No, take your sweet ass time, not like someone is in danger." Odalia said.

"We're coming, dear!" Alador said as he ran out with Emira and Edric behind him.

"Good, get in I'll explain on the way." Odalia said, motioning to the Abomitron carriage.

As the Blight family was making their way to the owl house, Eda was holding Amity in a magic bubble to prevent her running around in a panic!

"Let me out!" Amity screamed as she clawed at the bubble. "I have to find Luz!"

"We will, but you need to calm down first." Eda said, before Amity hissed at her, "Hey, don't make me get the squirt bottle."

Amity still hissed into Eda pulled out the spray bottle from her hair, aiming it at her. It made Amity stop hissing.

"That's what I thought." Eda said as King ran into the room.

"I've search everywhere, even inside of Hooty's mouth! Luz isn't here!" King said to her.

"Is there anyway someone got in last night?" Eda asked.

"Only unless they managed to sneak in once Hooty was asleep." King said!

"THIS IS NOT MY FAULT! HOOT!" Hooty shouted, worried about Luz too.

"I'm not saying it is!" King shouted at him.

"Both of you, stop!" Eda said, "We have bigger problems to worry about!"

"Like where the HELL is my girlfriend?!" Amity demanded as she fur stood up, showing how mad she was.

Whoever it was that took Luz's they will be in for a world of pain when Amity gets her claws on them.

"Well, I see we've come at a good time." Odalia said.

Coming through the open door, Odalia brought in Edric, Emira, and Alador in as Eda put the spray bottle away.

"About time you got here. Now we can figure this out." Eda said.

"Yes, we can!" Amity said, clearly annoyed.

"What have you figured out so far?" Odalia asked.

"Whoever did this was quiet as an echo mouse and left no trace." Eda said as she popped the magic bubble and release Amity. "I even whipped up a potion to reveal footprints on my floor, but I didn't see any print I didn't already know."

"So, they had to know some kind of spell that allows them to show up without notice." Odalia said, "The only thing I can think of is the Emperor's Coven, but I don't think they would do this for one small animal."

"Wait... I know who did this." Amity said, "The Potion Track has a loophole, since they don't use actual spells, they can use every spell there is... Boscha did it."

"Boscha? The Triplet girl?" Alador said in surprise.

"I thought she hated Luz." Edric said.

"Yes, but she loves having one of a kind things." Amity said, "What's more one of a kind than a Human Realm animal?"

"Fuck, she's right! The triclops tried to buy me once, too!" King said as he pointed to himself.

"Well, how do we do this?" Eda asked, "She's bound to know we'll try and get her back, so we need to do something without causing suspicion."

"Well, nothing wrong with an old friend and business partner showing up and introducing her new cat." Odalia said.

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