chapter 30.

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chapter 30
rule 30. Surround yourself with people who bring you peace
1pm in NYC
Samir's POV

I woke up hearing a little commotion. And Jhene playing in the back so I assumed that Kori was awake.

I don't know how long I was knocked for but I knew that it was a long time. I turned my head slightly towards one side of her and she was standing in a short t-shirt and underwear.

"I didn't mean to look at you my love. But you look mad pretty though." I added my little apology because I know how she feels sometimes about herself.

"You're finally awake!" She exclaimed before ripping the covers off me and laying on my back.

"Well good morning to you too Kori," I smiled before she got off my back as I sat up. We both sat criss cross.

"What time is it," I asked rubbing my eyes before stretching.

"About 1pm." I wasn't even surprised.

"And I've been up since like 10. And my parents came home with my grandmother to see how I was and drop off Jamely so I could watch him. I was scared out of my mind that they would somehow notice you were here. I just told them you left your shoes here and changed into your crocs. And that we made food before you left."

"Lying to your parents is wild."

"They told me in quotes that I can't let you sleep over. And that you need to be out of here by 11PM yesterday. So duhhh I had to lie."

"And I had to play music so they wouldn't hear your snoring. At first it was kind of difficult to get used to your snoring. Even thought it's minimal. But now it's kind of comforting, I don't know how to explain it."

"Hmmm well I'm going back to sleep." She hissed her teeth at that.

"No get up let's do something."

"Stop worrying about me and put on some pants. This ain't the club."

"No because now you're just asking for beef," she standing up at crossing her arms at me.

"Nah let's go foreal. S dotty vs K Sheisty." I stood up and went into fighting stance. We fought for a little minute before I tackled her to the bed.

"AND S DOTTY FOR THE WIN!!!!" Kori rolled her eyes before pushing me off her. I laughed before going to the bathroom and brushing my teeth.

When I stepped out I heard little noises, Jamely is up...

"Kori! Jamely!" She rushed out and picked him up. I followed behind her into the room and she twisted up her face. She smelled him before putting him back.

"You smell like 10 cans of bounce that ass Jamely. Always blowing up like gahdamn," I chuckled before she went and changed him.

In the middle Jamely started babbling.

"Yes I know papa you're hungry again. Let me finish and then we will get you your food." She gave him a kiss before finishing changing him.

Then we went downstairs and Kori went to cut up some fruits and make scrambled eggs. I was hungry but fruits would be good enough.

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