chapter 38.

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chapter 38
rule 38. sometimes taking risks isn't always so bad
2pm in philly
Kori's POV

"Dad, Dad, Dad, Daddy, Daddyyyy, Dad, Dad, Papa, Pa-"

"Kori what are you calling me about? Don't start right now," My dad replied clearly annoyed but it was funny to me.

"Mom said to tell you to check to see if she left the stove on. And to make sure the door is locked." Meanwhile I checked before we left the house, but clearly she doesn't trust me.

"That's all you called me for mama?"

"Yeahhhh, I love you byeeee."

"I love you more kiddo, bye." Then we ended the call.

I was finally back in Philly for today which was friday, and the weekend. 

Tests were up and all I gotta do is pull up on Monday and get my report card. Then best believe I'm back up here in July for the summer.

"Kori." My mom said making me look up from my phone.

"I changed my mind, you're not staying overnight at Dilan's. I don't know her parents well enough for that. Maybe in July or something but definitely not right now." I nodded in response.

Kind of sad but I get where she is coming from. A few minutes later we pulled up in front of Dilan's house. I had texted her prior that I was just down the street.

I saw her standing outside with her mom and I beamed a smile at her.

"DILANNNN!!!" I yelled once I got out the car.

"KORIIII," she matched my energy before we gave eachother a big hug.

"Seeing you in person again is like so weird!" I laughed as we pulled apart.

"I knowww, let this not be another roller skating episode..." she added and I nodded.

"Mom, this is Kori." She said introducing me to her parents.

"Aww, we've heard so much about you, it's nice to finally meet you." Her mom smiled to me.

Right then my mom started walking over my mom came over with my bag.

"Hi I'm Kori's mom, Melissa," my mom smiled before they shook hands.

They had their little talk laughing and what not, while I took my bag and went inside with Dilan.

I was staying over at Dilan's until 11pm today and then tomorrow,Saturday, I'll be with her from 6-11pm. The rest of my time in Philly would be spent with my cousins.

"Now this hat is so cute Dilan." I said putting on her hat after I dressed in my swimsuit. I was now standing in her living room looking into the large mirror set up.

"I knowwww, I love it so much."

"Kori are you hungry or anything?" Dilan's mother asked.

"No I'm good!" I ate a whole Popeyes box on the way here... with a frozen lemonade...and had bag of sour patch Samir got me...and drank almost a whole big ahh essentia water...

I opened my phone about to take pictures when I saw two messages from Samir.

bebe: you made it to philly safely?
bebe: and are you with dilan yet

me: yes I made it here safe
me: and I am with Dilan, she says hi

bebe: aii tell her I said hai back
bebe: now stay safe, and have fun there my shining

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