chapter 82.

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Like I said I got book ideas and two or more chapters for idea. Here are the choices!

1. Love and basketball inspired(high school)

2. Friends to lovers(high school)

3. Strangers to lovers with heavy Christian aspects (highschool)

4. Strangers to lovers (college)

6. Friends to lovers with some Christian aspects(highschool)

I'm leaning more towards 3 because it relates to me a little more but I am aware that not everyone is Christian/religious. So I am willing to do another book at the same time so I can please both sides! lemme get ya opinions!


chapter 82
rule 82. Listen to Janet Jackson after making love
7pm in NYC
Kori's POV

"Woooo, putting ya boys to work," my mom clapped as Samir and my dad worked to put up the tent.

"Technically, since I was invited, I shouldn't be doing all this work foreal," Samir said glancing over over to us.

"Jamely what did you say?" I asked putting my hand to my ear as I held him. "Oh word?"

"Jamely said that if you don't finish building the tent that I have to break up with you Samir. So do what you choose." I replied and Samir side-eyed me before continuing to build.

"Day is never finisheddd, massas got me workinggg. One day massa set me freee." Samir sung as they putting the tent together. My dad looked at him crazy. He would be laughing like I am if he got the reference.

"Kori I have to talk to you, come on let's get inside." My mom said and I nodded before going inside. I kept walking with Jamely in my arms until we got inside. She told me to put him in his crib and then head to her room.

Yo wtf did I do...

When I got in she made me lay on the bed next to her.

"It was the aquarium trip right?"

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"The aquarium trip, where I let you stay over. That's when it is happened." Oh? Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhh...

"Oh, yeah after the aquarium trip and times after that...But of course we were safe all those times."

"And you weren't forced or anything? It was by your choice as well?"

"Samir never forced or manipulated me into doing anything. He was always cautious, even before anything happened. But I'm happy because it was only 3 months before I turned 17. It just happened naturally, because to me, doing that is like real deep. I didn't want to do it because everyone else is of just because I'm feeling a little crazy." I said and my mom was just lightly laughing.

"Ughhh I wanna tell you to stop growing up on me, but you're already a year away from being on to college. I understand that you guys are young and in love and exploring life together which I think is beautiful. You're a good set of 17 year olds with bright futures. I just want to urge you...and Samir to think before you do anything or make any brass decisions. There are reactions to your actions, and I want you guys to remember that. Whether it's a good reaction on consequence is up to you both. And most importantly, know that you can always come to me for anything."

"Mom how could you tell?"

"I knew the Poconos trip. The day when we all went snowboarding. It was something in both of y'all faces. And your dad saw it too. He asked me if I knew because he was too scared to ask." She let out a light laugh.

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