chapter 85.

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chapter 85.
rule 85. It's okay to need someone else to help calm your storm
8pm in NYC
Kori's POV

"Ima be a God Mommy, I can't wait," I cheesed as I sat in the back of the car with Samir.

We were currently on the way to Philly because my dumbass cousin is boutta become a father. Her water broke and now we were going over there.

It was a real impromptu trip, but luckily it was a Friday night so Samir could come since he didn't have work for the weekend. He just got his few things because we'd most likely be driving back Sunday night.

That's how I know he's really part of the Foster family.

1. We didn't have to say too much to get his aunt on board with this trip
2. Kydero said that Samir had to come
3. My aunt and them were all happy to hear he was coming and he gets to stay over

However 4 adults in one house. And 7 kids. That's just despicable.

So that's why it's 8pm and I was currently waiting for my parents to finish up in the house so we could drive over. We were in my dads car which was bigger and had 3 rows. Jamely was in the second row and I was in the big row in the back with Samir.

"I'm dead excited too. Not gone lie, them kids tired me out though. And I might've smoked a lil before getting here. If I fall asleep on this drive you know why." He said resting his hand on my lap.

"Gotta let you get sleep." I kissed his cheek and rested my head on his shoulder. Luckily Jamely was asleep, how long would that last? I do not know.

In a while my parents finally made it to the car.

"Ya buckled in and ready to go?" My dad asked looking back at us from the drivers seat.

"Yeah," we both said before he started up the car and we were on our way.

I opened up my blanket to go over us so we could be comfortable on this late night drive.

I wasn't tired, I be up all hours of the night. So I put on two can play that game on my iPad.

Samir stayed awake in the beginning of the drive. He held the iPad up as I leaned on him. He wrapped his other arm over me and we cuddled up watching the movie together.

But soon he started to nod off.

"Can I lay my head in your lap?" He slurred his words looking to me and I nodded.

"Night night," he mumbled kissing me lightly before stealing my whole ass blanket to put over him as he laid on me. His long ass legs were hanging off the seat and his head was facing into my stomach.

I continued my movie on the drive...until Jamely's big headed self wanna disturb niggas.

Samir woke up annoyed as ever with a mug.

But since he was closest he decided to just get Jamely.

"Jamely Foster, I'm tryna get a lil sleep and you're crying up a storm." He said holding him. Jamely still cried so we eventually pulled over and my mom tried to get him less fussy.

It took a while until we were back on the road. Samir laid back on my lap and went back to sleep. And I unintentionally fell asleep as well.

I was just happy to have showered an hour before we started this drive. I was gonna put on my pajamas and head straight to sleep once I arrived at the house.

"Kori, Samir, we're here." I was shook out of my sleep by my dad.

When Samir finally sat up, he could barely register what was going on. But he managed to get up and come out the car with me.

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