chapter 80.

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However, Ima be so mf sad when this book ends this summer😔

Like this book has been my whole life for the past year and some. But I already got like two new books in the works that aren't published yet. But still Ima be sad😔

chapter 80
rule 80. Sometimes you have to distance yourself so you don't react out of anger
12pm in NYC
Samir's POV

"Hi Samir," Kori smiled as I walked over to her. She was dressed in a crop top and sweatpants.

"Hi Korienne." I replied. I hadn't seen her this morning because I headed straight to the library in the morning.

She texted me Goodmorning and I replied Goodmorning. I was mad at her but I wasn't about to be disrespectful.

I leaned down to hug her and kiss her cheek.

"I have to go talk to a teacher right now. So I'll see you later." Her facial expression changed and her smile dropped but she nodded. She looked like she was gonna say something but changed her mind.

It wasn't a lie. I did have to go to a teacher, but I did ask him for this time slot.

"Can I have another hug before you go?" I moved closer to hug her as she said, "Have a good day Samir."

"Thank you," I replied before heading out the lunchroom.

I don't wanna ignore the situation, but I also don't wanna talk because I'm sick of always talking about this bumass nigga.

And I'm not ready to talk right now because I still haven't settled from the situation so I know I'm going to act out of anger.

As I was going down the hall I ran into Kaden, his other lil followers and some girls that were with them.

I only dapped them up yesterday so they'd mind they business. I do not wanna talk to them.

"Samir, you and Kori good?" Kaden asked.

"Yeah we're perfect." I don't care what they saw yesterday, they will not know our business.

"You know I always wanted you Samir," Terria said to me.

"What am I supposed to do with that information?" I asked making my face up.

"If anything ever goes bad you know-"

"I love my girlfriend Kori so so sooo much. Have a good day Terria and company." I replied before continuing on to my teachers class.

Because no girls were on my dick like this before Kori. No self-respect...

♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥
hell | two days after incident 11pm

"I didn't see her in the morning, I got here late." I said as I sat at the lunch table.

"She be trying to text me, but I just don't be wanting to talk. Like Ima respond but I don't really talk." I continued and Gunk nodded.

"But she don't got lunch with us today, she comes in after us. But I usually just stay for a couple minutes with her before going to class. I'll probably just say hi or something."

Just then they blew the whistle for us to leave the lunchroom.

"I support whatever you wanna do man and you know that. But don't ride this silent treatment out man. It's not gonna be good for either of y'all."

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